Chapter 5: Dinner for two?

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You arrived back home and saw your porch was empty. You thought Macaque would have left some food in front of your door but you were more concerned about not having anything for dinner. You opened the door and walked in and saw Macaque helping himself to your kitchen. You quietly sat down and pulled out a journal that you keep track of every patient that was in contact with you. You updated your check-up for each patient you encountered and closed your book and stuffed it deep into your bag. Then you got up and helped Macaque in the kitchen because he took longer to make dinner and figured he needed a hand.

"I don't need your help," Macaque said as you approached the counter.

"If you're trying to poison me. You have to do better than that." As you washed your hands, started to prepare food.

Silence filled the air and it was very quiet for a while until you heard crying outside your door. You leave Macaque and walked towards the door. As you were about to open it, Macaque grabbed your wrist and looked at you with a serious look.

"Don't. It might be a trap."

Silent continued and you look back at him with a gorgeous smile. You place your hand that was grabbed and put it under Macaque's hand. With your other hand over your heart. Then you went on one knee and kissed his knuckle, like those princes greeting their fair maidens. Macaque was surprised and looked down at you. Still in that position, you looked up and smiled again. He started to blush a little and looked away.

"I'll be back soon." With that, you kissed his hand again and walked out. He was about to say something but you already shut the door in Infront of him.

It was another child crying but the kid pointed to the mountains this time. The mountains where the tortoise warned you about danger. You thought it was probably a camping trip and you headed off with the kid on your back.

When you arrived at the mountains the kid was asleep but no parents or guardians were present. You waited a while for anyone claiming for this kid and suddenly you were attacked. It seemed to be a low-level demon who was hanging out around the mountains and you did your best dodging while the kid was still on your back. After a while, you felt a stab at your back and notice that the kid shifted into a demon and stabbed you. You threw it far away from you and it hit the side of the mountain. Soon it kicked you off the mountain and you stumbled down it, while the demon chased you down. You were shocked it followed you and you landed on a bush to cushion your fall. Then the demon fell right above you and you couldn't move as fast since there was an open wound on your back. Then a long red and golden staff appeared above you pining the demon against the mountain again. You looked at who did this and thought it was The Monkey King but turns about to be a boy and his friends. You sent the demon who was pinned by the staff back where it came from and walked towards the campsite.

"Guys! Did you see that? I got a demon from pointing in a random direction!" Said an energetic voice at the other end of the stick.

"Nice job kid but shouldn't we worry about surviving in this forest." Another voice popped up with a more serious tone.

You decided to investigate and turned into your human form to not scare the humans. Well, 3 human-like plus 2 creatures as you approached the campsite. As you approached them, your back was aching and you fell right in the middle of the conversation. Two of them freaked out and the others were confused and took the situation more quietly.

"OH MY GOODNESS IT'S A ZOMBIE!" A girl said with her shrieks filling the forest.

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" Said the boy holding the staff.

"WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP?! You're scaring the whole forest." Said the serious-tone guy.

"Please do you have a med kit on you by chance?" You said with a muffled voice because your face was planted right into the ground.

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