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"Delivery for Y/N!...?" Mk walked into the shadow puppet theatre and it was very busy. Some people were waiting for the show to start and others were patiently waiting for you.

"UH! When will Dr. Y/n see me?"

"I've been waiting for like forever!"

"Maybe I should watch the show and wait for this line to dial down?"

Mk was having trouble getting even near you at this point. You were Mk's last delivery so he decided to watch the shadow play for a bit, even though it gave him a little PTSD (if you know you know. Don't spoil this for viewers who didn't watch Lego Monkie Kid please). After about an hour, the line to your office was gone and the people started to leave the theatre. When Mk entered your office, he realized it was very small. Only having a desk and an examination table in the corner. It had everything a doctor needed but the doctor was sleeping face first into their desk.

"Um, Y/n?"

"It might go away the next day. If you're in extreme pain please give a good description of where the pain is." After that quick response, you went back to sleep.


"Hey, kiddo!"

"Macaque! What are you doing here?"

"You know I own this place right?"

"Oh." Mk felt a little dumb after that question.

"I'm here check in on my bird and it seems they're knocked out. I'll take dinner and give you the money later." As Macaque snatched the food and threw you over his shoulder.

"Hey! I need money for the food or else Pigsy will get mad!" Mk started pouting and crossing his arms like a little kid.

"Don't worry Y/n will give you a big check. Come on Y/n, say goodbye to mk!"

"NooOOooo... I have work to doOoo..." You were so sleep-deprived, that you whined like a little tired kid.

"NooOooo. You have break time now~" Macaque mocked you in the same voice. 

Mk felt awkward being the third wheel for a second and just left the place to return home. As Macaque carried you and the food to the couch, you were like a sack of potatoes. Macaque turned on the TV and put it on the lowest volume to watch, so he wouldn't wake you up. Set the food on the coffee table and rested on the couch with your head on his lap. Then he rubbed your forehead gently with his thumb, to ease your brain for sleeping, and he spoke to you quietly.

"You're a good being but you have to say no sometimes. Look at you right now. Burnout but still determined to do everything. Sometimes I wish you just helped me with my job. Would probably be easy." It went silent for a little bit.


"You know? I didn't realize you could fly so far physically and mentally. Sometimes you fly so far from your brain that you zone out but that's not the point. I love your ideas and I want you to never stop. What I'm saying is..."

"Keep flying..."

"My little birdbrain💜"











"MK! WHY ARE THE PAYMENTS LOWER THE USAL?!?!" Pigsy yelled at Mk while making breakfast.

"UM! AH! You see..." Mk tried not to make any eye contact. Then he ran to the mailbox as fast as he could.

"WHY YOU! When I get my hands on you, you're so dea-"

"WE GOT A LETTER FROM Y/N!" Mk came bursting in back. Pigsy heavily sighed.

"Nice to hear about Y/n again. Well, kid. What does it say?"

"It says..."

"Dear Mk and Pigsy,

I'm assuming Pigsy is with you and yelling at you about payments yesterday. It was my fault and I was in a completely burnout state. I would like to also apologize for Macaque's action. He could have paid you that day but decided not to for some reason. There should be a check for you guys with this letter. Sorry for not paying yesterday. I hope everything else is going well since I myself have been busy with patients coming in almost every day. We should get together again soon or at some point. I miss you dearly and say hi to everyone.


Y/n L/n

P.S This is Macaque and I didn't have any money I swear ;]"

"Well, Mk how much did Y/n give?"

"Seems to be thir- THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!?!"


"Holy bricks! How rich is Y/n and Macaque?!"


Word Count: 709

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