Chapter 13: Forever Sleeping Over

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"Y/N" Everyone tackled you beside Demon Bully King's Family and the two monkeys standing idling.

"We missed you!"

"I thought you were a goner!"

"Don't leave us again!" The comments continued until a redhead interrupted.

"Can someone explain why there is a vermin here?!?! Ow! Mother why would you do that???" Iron Fan just hit Redson on the head with her fan.

"Be respectful my son. Y/n It's been a while." Y/n was finally released and gave a big hug to Iron Fang. After that long exchange, you picked up Redson where he couldn't touch the ground.

"Put me down you! You! You... Please?" You smiled and finally spoke.

"Can't believe you made a kid! I feel like an Auntie!" You started squeezing Redson into a hug and spinning around.

"Mother! Help me! Please! I think I'm going to hurl..."

"Wait! How do you guys know each other???" Mk said rubbing his chin.

"How do you guys know them?" Iron Fan hit them back with the same question.
"Well... Uhhh... Long story? Eh...." Now he started to rub the back of his head.

After explaining the story to the Bull King's Family about your past relationship with them, Iron Fan explained her story. It was a pretty simple story. You and Iron Fan were like coworkers but to you guys, you felt more like siblings. You worked in the celestial realm being a messenger but you helped around if anyone was in need of your help. Then you were gone after for a long time. No details were left about you. All that was left was a bad reputation for you. Iron Fan didn't believe them but was left with so much sadness in her. She moved on with time until she left the celestial realm to be with the love of her life. After exchanging stories about you, the children had a last-minute quick game.

"I want to be on my nephew's team!" You shouted as you lifted him up.

"Oi! Put me down!"

"Aw, that's so unfair!" Mk whined.

"It's okay bud I'll join your team." Macaque stepped into the arena of volleyball.

"I should actually join instead you know. Because I'm his mentor!" Wukong also stepped in.

"That's so unfair now! It's 3 against 2!" Now Redson complained.

"That's okay. It'll be a good challenge to end it off!"

"What?!" everyone shouted.


Now the games begin! After the whole argument, the game started and Redson started to regret his life choices. He couldn't understand what you were thinking because he just met you and you weren't very predictable. The Monkey Boys started first and Redson did a big gulp before the ball was up in the air. This was a game to 3 so it wouldn't be that long since Wukong and Macaque kept bickering against each other. The first game was easily won because Macaque and Wukong ran into each other trying to spike the ball. Poor Mk was in the middle of this but we carried on to the 2nd game. Wukong played dirty and used a piece of hair to change into a peacock, so you were distracted. Macaque thought it was a dumb plan including Redson but it totally worked. Poor Redson had to defend himself while you squatted to your knees watching the peacock walking around. After the second game finished, you stopped looking at the peacock and stretched your body before going to Redson and hyping him up for the next game.

"Sorry about that. I'm sure next we'll do great!" You gave a big thumbs up to him which made him mad.

"YOU! You didn't do anything! You left me to defend myself!"

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