Chapter 8: Tea Party

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As Macaque carried you all the way home you started to get some consciousness back. Macaque was carrying you bridal style and you looked up at him trying to get his attention. He tried to ignore you but you were tugging on his shirt repeatedly until he had enough and snapped.


"Be nice to our guests." He was confused about what you said but you smiled at him before going back to sleep.

"Hey. Hey! Don't fall asleep on me."

You of course fell asleep and now Macaque was panicking more. He was confused about the guests you mention but his other brain was why you smiled at a time like this.  As he was gliding through the shadows of the trees, he met a familiar tortoise waiting outside of the house. Macaque went to the tortoise and asked for help but the tortoise was just in shock about your condition.

"Yo gramps! I need help. Please I'll do anything."

"I should have known this will happen. Common my boy let's get her patched up."

All of you went inside and Macaque placed you on your bed while the tortoise was making some medicine in the kitchen. After a while, the tortoise yelled out for Macaque to get the medicine and he stumbled his way over to the kitchen, by tripping over his feet. 

"Give her this to take and a glass of water just in case she wakes up and gets thirsty. Also, put pillows or something soft on the ground." Macaque looked at the strange medicine but continued with these orders.

"And when you come out again let's discuss payment."

"Sure gramps let me do this."

As Macaque rushed through the door, he took a look at your figure on the bed. An ageless demon that has the power to destroy this village but in reality is a cute sleeper. After that thought Macaque blushed a little and focused on the tasks on hand. He slowly lifted your head to allow you to swallow the medicine and drink some water with it. He stared at you for a while for a reaction and then headed to the living room where he assumed where the tortoise was waiting for him.

"You took longer than I expected. Did you take your sweet time with your sweetheart?" Sipping the tea he made while saying this calmly. Macaque was flustered and argued back him.

"NO! I- I wanted to... Make sure she wasn't faking taking the medication!" Macaque found the perfect excuse but it was very choppy and the tortoise didn't buy it.

"I'm just saying she doesn't have much time to live. I think. Unless a miracle happens. That medication I have her only prevents it for a while."

"Is there a cure?"

"Do you have a future plan with her if she lives?"

"NO! Again I'm just curious." Macaque still has tinted pink on his face but the tortoise didn't buy it at all.

As Macaque listened to the tortoise laugh at him, he notice the setup around the living room and kitchen. There were more cups than usual and a big amount of snacks out too. Looked like a Tea party or just a celebration.  When Macaque continues scanning his area, the tortoise started speaking again.

"I'm assuming that Y/n talked to you about the guests?"

"Yeah, but I have no clue what she was talking about." No later than a second there was a gentle knock. Then banging and a voice saying,

"HEY! IS ANYONE HOME??" It was loud but there were other voices too.

"Tang push the door!"

"Mk there is no handle."

"Let's burn the door!"

"No! What if this is an ancient place?"

"Let's get this over with."

"Guys let's listen and see what's going on." On the other side of the door, it seemed that everyone who was outside leaned on the door and the door opened wide open. They all dog-piled on each other and looked up awkwardly.

"Uh Hi?" Tang said awkwardly while some were very loud.

"Where are you hiding her?!"

"Yeah! What are scheming here?!" These were the questions Mei and Mk screaming out.

"Shh, we don't want to awaken our Guardian." The tortoise said with a calm ancient voice.

"Oh sorry... Wait a minute you're with Macaque and the giant bird! You can't fool me!" Mk shouted still.

"Ah, such a young high spirit. Well, we have snacks or tea. Help yourself and let's all have a civil conversation." Tortoise smiled and looked at everyone.

Macaque was not happy at all. After all, he rescue you from them and didn't want to deal with them as much. As everyone helped themselves to the free food and drinks everyone was finally settled down. Mk, Tang, and Mei all gathered around the Tortoise like little children waiting to hear a story, while Pigsy and Sandy were sitting on the couch. Macaque was leaning on the wall where he can see everyone while listening to your room if you were done with your bird nap.

"Where should I start? Do you guys have any questions for me?" The tortoise had trouble where to start.

"yeah. Why is he here?" Pigsy pointed at Macaque who was surprised to get all their attention.

"I have no right to say about that question but maybe he can answer it?"

"Oh yeah. I'm here for a vacation. I was walking until I came here. Believable now?" Macaque scoffed at Pigsy but it was still not believable.

"OH! Me! I have a question Mr. Tortoise!" MK was raising his hand like a little kid who was so desperately wanted to be called on.

"You are free to ask, just don't do it at the same time or go too fast," Tortoise responded with a smile on his face.

"Why does she lie so much?"

"Well my boy, she lies for many reasons." Mk scooted near the tortoise to not miss what he was saying.

"She lies to protect those who are near her or to get away from her customers."

"But I thought villagers hated her?" Pigsy said with a curious question.

"Yes but she takes care of the animals who live here. She also took care of me from time to time."

"Wait how old are you exactly?" Sandy said looking at him up and down.

"Well, that's quite rude to ask a person's age. I'm actually really old. Where we had no...What do you call it? internet? Man, this is making me feel old." Everyone was so shocked about what the Tortoise was talking about.

"Do you think you could tell the tale of Y/n's story? I only heard what her kind does but never knew what she does." Tang was scared to get shut down but wanted to know more about you.

"Sure. I mean someone needs to keep telling her tale." Tang fan girl over this reply and also scooted closer to the Tortoise.

"Angels are messengers but not all angels are the same. Some may say that other birds also helped the messengers, but other birds were more determined than the angels themselves. Y/n was one of them, but one day they saw no use for her. No matter how hard Y/n worked The Celestial Realm had no use for her. As she was walking around Celestia, finishing her job. Someone opened a portal and pushed her through. No one knew who did it but Celestia was glad to get rid of her. Then she started falling and landed on top of trees and bushes to cushion her falling. Y/n only looked up where she fell waiting and hoping Celestia would come back for her. They never did and she accepted the fact and lived with the humans. She hid her wings and kept her powers under control but humans started getting suspicious and chased her out. Until she found a comfy little cave to call home."

"What happens then?" Tang was curious even after a long story. Mk, Mei, and Pigsy already fell asleep while Tang, Sandy, and Macaque kept listening.

"Well, the story continues right now. Just waiting for the book to close." Everyone had a sad expression for a little bit until someone spoke out after the moment of silence.

"Why couldn't she destroy the people who threaten her? She obviously has the power to do that." Macaque spoke out loud still leaning on a wall.

"It wasn't her fault. She was a random creature living amongst the humans. She wanted to know if she would even be more useless here than up there. Sure life hated her but not all the time. She got to experience people who liked being near her. Even though it was a short amount of time."

After lots of amount of questions, everyone heard a quick thud in the room which woke everyone up. everyone turned their heads and Macaque knew where the sound came from and bolted into your room. He swung the door open looking at you on the floor.

Word Count: 1456


This book/story might go on Haitus. Due to the situation, I am in and I'm about to have writer's block. I will continue but posting will be much slower or I just post whenever I want. Thank you for taking the time to read this and please stand by for the next post. Your Weird Author Me :]💜

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