Chapter 9 Party!

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You fell face-first into the ground and your hand was slowly reaching for the water on your night desk. You were groaning in pain until Macaque helped you up.

"Good morning bird brain," Macaque said with a sly smirk on his face but you just hummed in response. Next thing you know you were tackled to the ground.

"Y/n! I'm so happy you're alive!!!!"

"You have a lot of explaining!!!"

"Should we make more tea?"

"Can you tell me more of your past?"

More questions started coming up and you were confused about what was happening. Then you spotted a familiar tortoise and bolted towards it. Everyone was confused about the sudden actions but as soon you stood behind the tortoise, the tortoise spoke which threw everyone off guard.

"No Y/n. That's no right to treat your guests."

"I told you if you invited guests, notify me first." You scoffed and threw death stares at everyone.

Everyone freaked out about you losing your memories but after explaining, you're slowly getting your memories back. Now everyone was gathered in your living room crowded around and the silence started to creep up. Everyone didn't know when to speak after the situation, but you decided to break the ice between everyone.

"I've been on my own mission of defeating this unknown demon. I am just a wanderer who came upon this village. I've been staying here for many years and making this my temporary home. I would also like more refills on my tea, please. From my past, I do not recall much from mine. I guess that everyone starts small and grows up." You answered so bluntly while sipping the remainder of your tea.

"Why do you want to do this alone?" MK spoke out loud.

"Those who help me only use me or make things worst and I rather work alone to get everything back to 'normal'. How long do you guys tend to stay here? I have preparation to do." You started to get up until a furry tail was wrapped around your ankle.

"We can help! Just tell us what you need from us and we can do that while you get your memories back!"

"We are not in battle... yet... But we can assist you with this!"

"Yeah, we can kick some strange demon butt!" Mk, Tang, and Mei all spoke saying they can help with ever you are dealing with.

"Fine. If you are that determined then here you go." You handed them a list of what you needed to do and after you handed it to them you sat right back down. Macaque yelped because you sat on his tail and still didn't notice.

Everyone ran out of the house after looking at the list and the only ones left were you the tortoise and Macaque. You started to sway back and forth until you began to fall backwards and you were about to hit the ground until Macaque caught you last second. Macaque carried you back to bed and stayed in your room so you won't escape or overwork yourself. The only thing left was the silent conversation, your deep breaths, and the clock ticking. Tortoise decided to stay in the living room but stayed silent so he can finally get that peaceful moment so he can just sip their tea.


Macaque took a little nap/got bored watching you sleep and just wanted to sleep. Next thing you know you weren't there so he rushed towards the kitchen and looked to see everyone but you. He had such a confused face and everyone knew the answer.

"Oh, she went on her annual fly. She will come back for dinner." Sandy said with his happy little smile at the end. This did not ease very well for Macaque because he had other important questions that led to other questions.

"By herself? How was her temp? Did she recover all her memories?"

"Easy. She is with Mk and her temp was fine, plus she has all her memories besides the one that she couldn't remember the part where she didn't remember us." Pigsy said.

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