Chapter 10: Promise Fulfill

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!* WARNING: Big Battle! Blood Mentioned! Terrible Description Of The Battle! *!

- Side note: To those who want to skip the battle, are not comfortable with blood, or are scared of terrible descriptions. I'll make a short little summary at the end! :] -

It was morning and the sun had barely appeared in the sky. You were not used to a team and decided to look around the village in case of a sneak attack. Slowly tip-toeing through your house not making a noise, everyone else was still snoring around the house after the party. When you finally left the house, you were about to lift off until something pulled your ankle down and left you falling to the ground. You looked up to see a smirking monkey looking at you.

"Yo Bird brain. Whatcha doin'?"

"Going for my early fly routine."

"Hmmm, yeah but... it looked like you were gonna ditch us. At least take me with you if you were gonna leave me with these idiots..." Macaque quieted at that last sentence but unfortunately, you didn't have supper hearing so you ignore his mumble.

"If you want to make sure I don't fly off and get injured you can come with me if you like." 

"Are you asking me out on a date birdy?" Macaque wanted to get your reaction towards this to see how flustered you'll be.

"A date? I think Oka mention those. A date was when 2 humans go on this special day to get to know each other more. But how would that work for us demons?" You titled your head a little bit thinking about how would it work for demons.

"You know what birdy it was a joke..." Macaque looked away but you could see a tint of pink on his face and his ears turning pink.

"Are you okay? All you're ears are pink. Is that normal?" You were about to reach to his ears until Macaque grabbed your hand and still not making eye contact with you.

"Let's do your flying route right now?" Trying to move on with this conversation, Macaque was dying of embarrassment.

You nodded and continued your flying routine. After your 'flying routine' you landed in front of the gates of the village. You stood still for a while listening to the wind or anything that was coming this way. It only lasted about a couple of seconds until something or someone had broken it(AHEM). 

"SOoooo... Why are you back here? Did you change your mind about keeping the village safe? Are you gonna watch the chaos? Like what are you even do-!"

"I'm going to fulfill."

"What do you me-?" Before Macaque can finish his sentence, you grabbed his shirt by the collar and pulled him close.

"Woah. Again, take me to dinner first before we can-" Next thing Macaque knew, he was thrown to a storage house. Making a loud ruckus even though you threw him.

"Y/N WHAT THE HECK!" He shouted so loud the whole village heard him.

In a blink of an eye, there was a shield covering the entire village. Villagers started rushing outside their houses and helping Macaque, while others and Macaque noticed what position you were in. You were outside the barrier holding back some sort of black liquid demon that was shifting into different forms.

"I apologize for throwing you but I do hope you know what to do in there." Macaque did a quick nod but you assumed he got the memo. As Macaque was about to help the villagers he hears your voice again.

"Also... We already had dinner together. What do you mean?" Macaque was stunned by what you just said until the same color of a blush crept up again.

"Really?! Now you respond to that?!" He was a little furious until he let a small chuckle out of his mouth.

After that settled in, you were now making eye contact with the demon. Their eyes glowing yellowish while yours were glowing red. Keeping eye contact strong, a bright light flashed in front of you. You opened your eyes up to see yourself standing in front of the demon. Then it spoke all of a sudden.

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