Chapter 3: Chit-Chat :]

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When you went to your home, your landing wasn't graceful as the other trips. You transform into your humanoid form, so you can treat your wings with some care after a couple of arrows in your wings. With your wobbling landing, it created some noises. Notifying the animals around something was wrong. One of the squirrels that were babysitting Macaque came up to you and offered to help you. You gladly accepted the offer and you were limping towards the inside of the house. You sat down in a chair asking for the squirrel to get the basic medic kit you stored.

"Do you mind getting the kit for me? It's in the guest room, last time I left it." You said with a tired voice.

"On it!" Said the squirrel, dashing for the kit.

In the meantime, you pulled all the arrows out of your wings. Sure it was painful but you bit on your lip to decrease the pain from your wings. As you exhaustedly pulled them out, the squirrel came back and someone knocked on your door at that time.

"Great visitors. I'm booked for the night! Come back in the morning unless you're stupid and desperate, then open the door! Ahaha! Anyways just wait until I'm done with something." You said in annoyance and tried to disinfect your wounds in your wings.

The door opens and your eyes widen when you saw the one and only Macaque at your door frame. The squirrel jumped off your shoulders and went on the table commenting go away towards him.

"Have a seat sir. Would you like something to drink? We have tea, coffee, and water." You slowly stand up and wobble towards the kitchen, while Macaque sat down.

"Tea, thank you." Macaque said with a serious and concerning voice.

"I'll have your special Y/n!" Squirrel yelled with joy.

"Any foods or snacks?" You replied back after the drinks.

"Nah, I'll be fine. Unless you have any plums." Macaque said quietly at that last part.

"Nuts please!" Squirrel said again with that joy.

You smiled and got to it. There was a long silence because no one knows what to say. Until the kettle started making noises and meaning drinks were ready. You came back with all the drinks and snacks. As you sit and placed down the tray, everyone dug in.

"It's an honor to meet a warrior who saved a city and the whole world, but what does a warrior want from me?" You said as you went back to treat your wounds.

"I'm just here on a vacation and wondering about this mysterious bird," Macaque said no hesitations.

"Ah, I see. Well for starters you aren't a normal monkey. That door is only for powerful creatures to open beside a key. I'm guessing you have questions too. Then let's play or do a back-and-forth conversation. We will ask one question and do keep your voice down since I have patients in the other room. So, Macaque you're going first." You stared at Macaque at that last sentence.

"Alright then. Why did you come to this village?"

"Ah, straight to the point huh? Well, I was hunting something that was lingering around the village. Which rooms did you explore?"

Macaque flinched a little wondering how you knew about him snooping around the house.


"a-A-ah. My turn," You said in a serious tone staring at Macaque until he answered your question.

"Well I was confused about why your door was so easy to open but I only explored your library and patients. That's all. Now then, are the rumors true?"

"Oh? Switching questions I see. Well yes and no, to answer your question. How long are you going to integrate me?"

"Well, you didn't make any sense of my question! That wasn't specific!" Macaque yelled and was furious about the answer he got.

"You got an answer though. If you wanted a specific answer, you should be more specific then." You said with the most chill voice you had.

As the anger from Macaque filled the room you spoke again to leave this anger in the past. As you were thinking of a plan, you wrapped up your major wounds and spoke out loud.

"It's getting late. You should head back to the village. I have some stuff to do in the morning and I don't want to be mad in the morning." You said as you were walking towards the door to motion Macaque to leave and the squirrel. Macaque didn't want to leave yet but the squirrel already left and he decided to leave too. But when he walked out and just stand outside your door.

"Do you need a ride back?"

"No. Thanks for the tea and snacks. May I come back?"

"Sure. Just don't sleep in front of my home or I'll take you back to the village."

Then Macaque disappears into the ground and you were shocked that his powers are like the tales you read. Then you rushed back to your home checking if he really didn't mess anything up. After carefully looking around, you set up what you need for tomorrow and head to bed. You were laying in bed and wondered what was the true visit of his 'vacation'. You slept it off not thinking about it as much.

*- Morning approach -*

This morning got you on edgy about Macaque might visiting you. You just hoped he didn't arrive in the morning because of the rush hour and work. When you got out of bed, you were still in your pj's and started making coffee. Then you hear a knock at your door and think it was just the animals. Looking at the time it was a little early so you went over slowly and yawned,

"~*yawn*~ Please wait a minute I'm heading over." You tiredly and slowly went up the door.

"It's me. I'm here to talk some more." You realized who it was and swung the door open and leaned on the door frame and looked at the monkey.

"Hey me. What brings you in the mornings? What's with the stuff behind you?"

"Yeah, funny joke. Also, you're asking a lot of questions though." Macaque scoffs and gave some attitude back.

"Ahahaha, well you're in luck and right on time!"


Macaque turned around and saw animals lining up behind him. Hey was so confused what was going on and looked at you for an explanation.

"What I need you to do is to write down which animals need help and their locations. Thank you byeeeee!"

"What do you me-"

You gave Macaque a notepad and a pen and you quickly ran to your bedroom and get ready for the day. Macaque was stuck doing your dirty work and kept listening to the animals who needed your help but also got comments like, "Where Miss Y/n?" or "What did you do to her?!" After what felt like hours Macaque surprisingly wrote down everything you said as you walked out of your room. When you walked out you saw a furious monkey is about to rant to you but instead, you grabbed the stuff you prepared and cut him off.

"You can't just ru-!"

"You ready to go? Well, great I hope you can fly monkey!" You ran outside the door and transform into your raven form and looked back at him.

"I don't care if you stay or come with me. My door just needs to be closed." As you were just idling in the air waiting for a response.

You didn't hear any answer but you heard a grumble and Macaque just shut your door and transformed to fly up to you in mad mumbling sound. You smiled and headed off into the air.

"Suprised you came. Let's start going down the list, please. Thank you"

" *sighs* Well you mostly have injured children besides this old tortoise which has a broken shell."

"Alright. We will start with the tortoise then." You flew faster to meet with this fragile creature and you knew this process will probably take longer.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Well, you have to stop being a slow poke. You wanted to know my side of the story! So, stop complaining about it!"

Macaque widen his eyes and looked at you while you were focusing on finding the tortoise. He was surprised about your response and remembered his question from last night. He asked about the stories the villagers told him about you and if you really planning to destroy the village. So, he put on a serious face and caught up to you.


*- A couple of minutes later -*

You spotted the tortoise and flew down there and greeted the tortoise. When you approach the tortoise, he looks up and was scared that he was gonna be eaten but you notice his shell.

Words: 1430

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