Chapter 7: Plan A

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You woke up extra early but Macaque woke up to the sounds of you getting up. It was awkward because you didn't have a sleepover since Oka came by or you never had a sleepover with a devilish stranger.

'Y/N STOP THIS IS NO TIME! YOU HAVE A MISSION TO SAVE THE VILLAGE, YOU IDIOT!' You were about to blush so hard and die from embarrassment.

 Then you stood up and rushed to the bathroom before Macaque can even stand up. You went straight to the bathroom and got ready for the day. You looked at yourself in the mirror reminding you what you were going to do today. Trying to ignore the fact of what you thought in your mind. Cooling your head and your blush dialing down, you were now thinking straight and thought of a plan. You were gonna ask Macaque to check up on the animals we encounter excluding the tortoise because he moves around 24/7 without stopping. You went to the kitchen where Macaque prepared breakfast and sat down at the table.  You joined him and were about to speak when you had something in your stomach. It was aching and sweating a lot. Unsettling you poked at it until Macaque notice your strange behavior.

"You good?"

"Yes! I! uh um..." You started getting nervous and thought you came down with something, thinking that the monkey was a carrier and gave you a disease. You were nervous and panicked about it until you kind of got a full sentence out.

"Can... You! Help me... by checking on the patients?" You looked down at your food thinking about what was wrong with you.

"Sure. Is it the ones we met yesterday or the ones in the guest room?"

"I was thinking if you could check up on the patients and ask the guardians of the patients in the guest room to set up a place in their homes. This place might not be safe anymore and I need to prepare when the event comes." You still looked down not making any eye contact.

Macaque nodded and slowly went to the bathroom to get ready as you still stared at the food. You ran to your room and got ready for the day while Macaque was still in the bathroom. You bolted out the door and turned into your raven form flying through the sky until you immediately got knocked down by something. You looked over to see a fast figure attacking you. It was the boy with the staff, Mk was it? You already forgot his name. You cared about the animals and the village being a battlefield, so you quickly flew to the quickest mountain with barely any living beings around. It was nerve-racking because not only did the boy with the staff attack you but he transformed into a bird. Then a green lightening was catching up, faster than that boy. Then you had to use more of your power to boost yourself and transform yourself into a size of a normal bird.

"This is for the people you brainwashed!" The boy yelled out and the girl just cheered him on.

"You got this monkey boy!"

Then you were knocked down at the mountain. You dodge the kid's attack but something felt strange to you when you set foot on this mountain. Boy and girl were catching up to you and finally notice it was a trap. Something was shining behind a rock but it was too late. Underneath you, there was a crest on the ground.

"Gotcha!" A man with rounded glasses popped out behind the rock holding a staff. You recognized the staff and saw the boy and the girl catch up.

"Why attack the village? The village didn't do anything to you." The boy said with a sad tone of disappointment.

You just stared at the boy and the boy talked to the guy with the staff.

"Mk I don't think they understand us." Round glasses guy said.

"Well, you can use your powers to talk to them right? With that cool-looking wand right?" Mk responded back with a  theory.

"This is a staff MK and probably." Tang flipped through this book and put a spell that you could talk but instead, the spell went a one-eighty degree.

Next thing you know, you were screeching and going down on all fours. You felt pain everywhere. You started to shift into your different forms. Then Mk realized who you were.

"Y/n is that you?"

"Y/n?!" Everyone screamed. But when Tang said your name you felt unsettled.

You started to puke up something, not blood but a black goo. When you finally stopped, the black goo turned into your shape and copied your form and position. Mimicking across from you, you knew what this goo was. It was the poison that was affecting you for while. This goo wouldn't let out your full potential power. Tang dropped the spell but that was a wrong move.

"No! Don't let it touch you. For immortals, it will kill you with that much goo." Then the goo got up and started targeting everyone but you for now.

Everyone successfully avoided the goo monster but it was heading straight at Tang. He was unable to move or even flinch. It was like he was paralyzed. Couldn't move or even close his eyes. Then at the last second, he closed his eyes and everyone screamed at him.

"TANG!" Panic and worries were floating through the air as the silence picked up everyone focused on the direction where Tang was and you were standing in front of him holding the goo in place. 

"Y/N!" Everyone shouted excitedly and Tang opened his eyes realizing he was saved. But the goo started to infect you by going through your skin.

"Y/N!" Now everyone was worried. It was a pain in the butt having the poison invade you so quickly. You stiffen and fell face-first into the ground, like how you first met them.

Everyone ran towards you and started asking a lot of questions. You couldn't listen to them because you were going in and out of consciousness. Then you were rolled over onto your back while the sun shone at your eyes. Everyone stands around you but the sun was shining right into your eyes. You waved for someone to come near you. They were confused but you started to pat the ground, signaling them to come here at this specific spot. Mk came to you and kneel down to you and you whisper,

"Thanks for blocking the sun." Everyone went into silence for a while until they all shouted in unison.


Then everyone started to talk really loud with questions coming out of every mouth and others finishing the question. You were too tired to listen to what they all said and passed out. Everyone thought you were closing your eyes for a while then realized you were knocked out. Mk grabbed your shoulders and shook you fast, trying to wake you up.

"Y/N!!! WAKE UP!!! YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING!!!!!" Mk shouted at you but your body was like a noodle and flopped around while he was shaking you.

"Mk I think they might be asleep," Mei said while taking a good look at you.

"Or they passed out due to the energy she used. I mean we captured her and made her suck in all that poison all at once." Tang explained.

"Well, technically all that poison came into her and it was her fault for gathering up that much poison," Pigsy said sarcastically.

Then they took you into the van and strapped you down. They didn't trust you yet but they were headed to the village. The road was bumpy and the ride only got worse. There was this huge crash sound and everyone looked at each other.

"What was that?" Pigsy said with a concerned voice.

"Maybe It was just a branch that hit the roof of the truck?" Tang laughed it off with some worries in his voice.

Then Mei looked over at you where you were and she started getting really concerned.

"Uhhhh. Guys Y/n is sinking."

"Mei, what do you mean she's sinking? Like she sweating really bad and sinking in her bed with it?" Mk said with curiosity.

"No like the bed is swallowing her."

Everyone turned around and saw you getting swallowed by the bed. They all freaked out and started running around. But when MK looked closely, he realized it was a purple portal. Just like a certain someone he knows.

"MACAQUE!" Mk screamed loudly. He then rushed over trying to get all the straps off you and grabbed your hand before sinking totally in. Then something popped and it was a monkey head.

"Oh hey, bud! Thanks for looking after her. I was worried she won't come back. I'm just gonna take her and I'll go." Macaque said with a cheeky grin.

"No, you won't! Not until Y/n answers our questions and when we hand her over to the village to explain!" Mk was saying under his breath while pulling you out of the shadow. Then a terrible bump loosen Mk's grip and Macaque pulled you all the way in and left a message for Mk.

"Thank you!"

After being pulled out of the portal Macaque whisper to you while carrying you home,

"What do we do now my bird?"

Word Count: 1528

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