Chapter 11.5

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"Y/n are you awake?"

"Hmmm... A phew more minutes... please..." You then heard a soft chuckle after your comment.

"Somethings never changes with you."

"Come on Oka. Give your poor friend a break." That name echoed through your head for a while, the 2 voices continued talking.

"You guys just got here! I have so much to say and explain! Please Y/n listen to this conversation!" After your groggy state, you were no longer awake but chose to close your eyes.

"I am."

"No, you're not! Bird brain!" laughter started to form in the air.

"You children never disappoint me in any situation."

"Shut it old pop!" You and Oka said in unison. The tortoise felt a spear of the word "old" through his body.

"Anyways, what's the important conversation you want us to hear?" Tortoise said, trying to change the topic.

"Okay listen to my story perspective!"

Oka told you and the tortoise about how she was watching over you guys. Apologies that she didn't have the chance to explain her situation to her family about you. Felt guilty you were in this mess. You of course denied this but that didn't stop her from apologizing a lot. She explained that her voice never reached or was heard by her family or tribe. Little Oka was called "crazy" every time she brought you up. It got worse when she got older, she started being "medicated" for this issue. She never took her pills but now she was disappointed in her own family. After her sad background story, she commented on how you were being so stubborn and cold-hearted while she was gone. Of course, that made you a little upset but you missed these conversations. When it came to the tortoise she was praising how the tortoise had good health and exercise. That's when you and Oka started having a fight by pinching each other's cheeks. The tortoise had to split you two up by pulling on your guy's ears. After that settled down you guys went back to your conversation.

"What do you think about the Monkey boy?" Oka started the conversation.

"I have no clue. He's a terrible assistant. He didn't let me finish my delicious cake."

"You called that delicious?? Bestie gets your taste bud checked out." Oka shared a disgusted face.

"What Oka meant to say is, 'What's your relationship with him?'"

"Oh.. He's cool." Giving a thumbs up to them.

"He's cool? Just cool!? Don't you wanna go back to him?! I saw him getting googly with you!" You only hummed in response.

"Oka is right. Don't you wanna go back to him?" 


"What's stopping you from doing that?" Oka butted in.

"You guys."

"Oh, Y/n." Oka and the tortoise came in a hugged for so long not letting go.

"Don't let us stand in the way. You also need to have a break and be happy."

"Yeah! I found love and I was the happiest person alive! Well back then. Wait! No! I'm still happy now because they're still with me in the afterlife." You chuckled but soon went silent slowly. They drifted away from the hug and looked at you for what you were gonna say.

"What if..."

I wanted to stay.

*~Word Count: 516~*

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