Chapter 4: Daily

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"My goodness! Doc. Y/n you scared me for a second! I thought I was gonna be eaten or something." Said the tortoise with relief in his voice.

"I would have eaten a long time ago. Also, you don't have to call me doc. Just Y/n fine for me."

"Well, Y/n  what brings you here? And who is your friend?"

"I have a report that your shell condition is not doing so well. For him." You were thinking of a word to choose for Macaque because you kind of forgot he was there. You smirked and made a gesture of introducing him.

"He is just a really big fan of my work."

"Why you little bird bra-" Macaque said in an irritated voice until he dropped it and put his cool face on.

"Ah, I thought he was your boyfriend or even husband. My, how the years go by so fast." Tortoise said in those wise ancient voices. Like what you hear in those movies when a mentor gives out their wisdom. 

Macaque felt a quick light blush but you just sighed and responded to the injured tortoise.

"He is out of my league and I have enough stuff to worry about. So, can I see your shell please?"

" Oh yeah. Go ahead. I'm in no hurry." Tortoise laughed and you worked on it right away.

Macaque was amazed at how well you worked and how focused you were. You pulled the equipment out of the bag you were carrying and prepared for anything bad. You examined the shell carefully and motioned Macaque to take a look at the situation. 


"His shell is infected but I can deal with that. No offense gramps but you kind of smell. Do you mind going to get a bucket of water?"

"Where am I gonna find water?"

You ignored him to continue to look at any other injuries and Macaque was a little mad but grabbed the bucket and headed off.

"Don't be mad at Miss Y/n. She works very hard for every species that lives in this forest. Even though she is not an angel. She makes everyone feel like there is a guardian angel watching over them." Old Tortoise said in a husky voice.

Macaque stared at the tortoise and looked back at you. You were so focused it seemed you ignored everything around you and focus on the task at hand. Your eyes turned into a shade of navy and looked at the tortoise carefully. Macaque saw this power of yours and was lost of amazement until you spoke.

"Do you not want to get it? If not that is alright."

"No. I'll get it. Just give me a minute."

"Can you also grab something for him to eat? Thanks."

As Macaque headed off to search for water and food for the tortoise, the tortoise had a chat with you while Macaque left.

"Why didn't ask for help from him? He could have helped in this problem."

"I don't want others to be involved. I already feel guilty for getting you involved."

"Don't be scared I quite like this. Makes me feel worthy and have a purpose. Also, why don't you tell the truth to the villagers? That girl. What's her name?" As he was struggling to remember her name.


"It's been a long time since I saw her. How is she doing? She was a great help with our little mission." With the smile on that tortoise's face, it was hard for you to lie about Oka.

"She died from old age. But I disagree. I think it's the dark dust that's been poisoning her."

"Ah, I see. Well, how close are we or you to solving this?"

"Pretty close but demons have been showing up more frequently. I doubt soon their leader will visit soon."

"If that time does come. I hope you figure out a way so I can help. Also, why did you lie to that young monkey about my stench and hunger? I am perfectly fine you know."

"Yes, but being healthy doesn't hurt."

You both had a friendly conversation and later Macaque returned. You were about to finish but then you decided to have a snack break. You talked for a while but mostly listened to the tortoise story. Macaque was clearly bored but you were so interested. After Lunch, you bathed the tortoise, and before you flew off the tortoise yelled.

"You know. That mountain has the best view. You should visit it once. Maybe you'll find me!"

You both nodded and flew off. As you headed off to the next animal, you two were just standing in front of a small house and you handed some stuffing to Macaque.

"What is this?"

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