Chapter 2: Strange visitor(s)

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 The villagers were all shocked but realized, he was one of the heroes who saved a city quite far away and the world. The villagers welcome Macaque with open arms and invited him to dinner for saving the city and the world. While dinner was being prepared Macaque was shown where he would be staying and where the bathhouses are.

*- Late evening -*

You just came back from picking and hunting your food and you heard noises from the villagers. It was happy noises so you went back to your cave/house and started preparing dinner for yourself. Back to Macaque, he was surrounded by the villagers. Dancers tried to make him notice them, the elderly tried to make him eat more and drunk people chant about whatever they were chanting about. Until Macaque felt a small tug from his pants. It was a boy who asked really loud and bluntly.

"Are you here to slay the beast?" Tilting his head at Macaque.

"Say, who?" Macaque responded with a very confused look.

The village went silent until the chief went up to Macaque and tell the story that's been past down the family tree. Chief was pretty old but wanted Macaque to sit next to him. When Macaque sat next to him, a play started to play.

"Long ago the village was in desperate need of resources. Then an angel-like figure came to the gateway and tricked us all. It was a devil servant with big dark blue wings and then it transform into a big raven! When children get lost, that devil will carry them back but the children were all conscious. Then after they dropped off the children they would leave. We suspect they're eating their dreams and killing us from our minds." The old man said as the play went on. The other voice popped out.

"Yeah! One of my family members died long ago on her bed because of the freak!" Soon after that voice another started uprise and Macaque was irritated by the noise and yelled stop.

"Where can I find this devil's lap dog?" Macaque said with the most devilish smirk. The adults didn't know but all the children did since they had dreams about the mysterious bird who took them home.

"I dreamed that a big swan lives in a mountain that has a runway or ledge!" One said.

"Me too."

"Me three."

It continued for a while until Macaque got his answer. He made a plan. At sunrise, he will stroll around the village to find this so-called devil.

*- Morning approach -*

You wake up to the sound of the animals near your home. They all lined up in front of your new door built centuries ago. They lined up and asked for your help to heal their children and loved ones. Once, you got every animal's name and address, you brought some supplies you had and headed off to visit those who were sick or injured. Sure animals could stay in your house but you barely had any room in your house besides the guest bedroom. Only a few lived with you, due to space. These visits occupied your time so you wouldn't be back until sunset.

As you left, the animals that were in your home were sleeping peacefully. Their loved ones waited outside your door. They notice a strange being in the bush that came out. It was a giant monkey snooping around. Animals tried to stop this big ape but couldn't and only watched sadly from afar hoping the ape wouldn't hurt the wounded animals inside.

"Knock knock~" Macaque said. After seconds went by he was a little disappointed.

After he looked around and found no key, he leaned on the door and fell backward because it was a door with no handle on the outside and locks.

"Ow! What the heck!"

Then all the animals were surprised and climbed on him shutting his mouth and pointing at the animals who were laying in bed. He got curious and shut the door and looked around. Some of the animals who wanted to check on their loved ones waited outside for your arrival. Others made sure Macaque was on his best behavior.

"So, what's up with bird girl?" Macaque said while snooping around.

"Excuse me! Miss Y/n is our savior who saved every animal who was in need of her help! How dare you speak of Y/n with that language! Hey-!" Said one of the animals.

Macaque was surprised he could understand other species besides his own but, he still kept snooping around. He saw, 4 rooms when he entered. 1st room/open area he enter was the kitchen & living room. It was pretty organized but it started to dust up. Then he entered a hallway with 3 doors. 2 on the left and the other one on the right. The closest door seemed to be a small library with books about medicine and ancient history. It also had a small desk with a desk lamp and laptop. He was a little surprised that the cave can get service but since he knows Wokung had service from the fancy mountain, he wasn't that surprised. Then he closed the door and head toward the next one. It seems to be the guest room but all the drawers were filled up with animals who were sleeping with injuries. The animals who were watching Macaque went up to their loved ones and checked up on them to see if they were feeling any better. Macaque was so surprised at how much these animals thanked Y/n for her treatment. He was about to enter the third door until he realized that the last door was probably Y/n's room. To be polite he didn't bother to go into that room instead. He asked every animal who followed him to get out of the house.

"Hey, let's wait for this Y/n person outside then thinking we broke in. Okay?" Macaque said with a little smirk.

Animals gain a little trust from Macaque since he didn't rekt the place.

"Sure." Said all the animals.

Once, they were outside Macaque was gonna take a nap until Y/n was back.

"Wake me up when the bird doctor arrives. Okay?"

For some reason, all animals started squeaking and chirping. Macaque couldn't understand but knew they would because of their tone.

*- Later that evening -*

-It was nice for those families and loved ones to give me stuff for future occasions but I think I have too much.- You were thinking in your mind.

As you landed in front of your house, you saw some animals who were talking about a sleeping monkey person waiting for you. You looked a something leaning on a tree, snoring pretty loudly. You haven't done this for a while but you treated this kind stranger like the kids who got lost and ended up at your cave. As you went closer you saw this stranger was Macaque. The warrior you read from your ancient books and news from your electronics. You were so confused but snapped out of it and sent him back to the village. When you were flying, one of the villagers spotted you and alerted the other villagers that you had Macaque. The same form of that circle creates an area for you to land. Something felt different. When you carefully arrived you didn't change to your humanoid form. You slowly slide Macaque off your back and flapped your wings. As you were high enough to turn back, you saw arrows and rocks flying past you. You didn't want to seem like you were a threat and didn't want to alarm the villagers, so you continued as if you were just heading off like any other drop-off. You had a bunch of rocks thrown at you and some arrows in your wings but you can treat them at home. The riot of the villagers attacking you made quite a noise for Macaque to wake up. As he woke up he thought he was going to die but realized it was you.

"Why won't you just die!" Some will say or "You should of never come near here!"

"You idiots! Do you know what you just did?!" Macaque yelled at all the villagers to stop.

Villagers didn't care and continued and complain to Macaque for reasons why they were attacking you. Soon Macaque raced after you.

Word Count: 1383

Authors Note: We start off strong but I have to cut back on the words. But Hey we are now moving forwards into the story! :]

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