Chapter 11: Long Rest

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When everything was settled down people started leaving the main building and look around to see Macaque and Mk's team. The village all cheered and celebrated this moment. Macaque was more pissed at what was going on since Mk and his crew didn't know what was going on. Then Macaque noticed a white feather on the ground and sensed your weak energy from it. He focused on the feather until he sensed a lead of the energy drifting out of the village. While the villager was crowding the "heroes," Macaque took this opportunity to follow this weak trail of energy.

*~During the explosion of Y/n's POV~*

While you were focusing on destroying this demon, memories flooded through your mind looking back on your life. Your memories finally settled on you, Oka, and the Tortoise hanging out near a big tree with lots of laughter and picnics. When the flash of white hit your eyes, you closed them for a while until you fell backward hitting something. Opening your eyes you notice a beautiful rising sun with birds flying through the sky. You lifted your head upwards and notice what you were leaning on. It was the tree where everyone hung out. This spot was special to you all because it was on top of a mountain with a beautiful view and peaceful sounds.

"It's okay to cry you know. I think Oka be very proud."

"You stubborn old tortoise. How did you escape my house?"

"Your house? Sadly your house had to crumble but I grabbed some tea on the way."

The tortoise was setting up the tea while your eyes were glued to the view. Wondering if this is how you will die. As you were about to shut your eyes something poked your arm and it was the tortoise trying to give you the tea. You were about to express your gratitude until you notice some wounds on the tortoise.

"How did that happen?"

"Oh, this? I tripped on the way here." You raised your hand towards the tortoise until he stopped you with his words.

"It's alright I think it's about time I retired." You nodded your head and went back to sipping your tea.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything. I might be stubborn but you were fun to hang around."

"You and oka were a handful. Always going at each other necks. I wonder if you and Oka will go at each other necks still in this situation?" You did a little laugh and think about that memory.

"Hey! If reincarnation is real, what would you like to be?"

"Hmmm... That's a tough one. I would be a tortoise again to be with a bird and a human who had a strong bond with each other."

"That sounds wonderful to have. Do you think she is well rested?"

"I think so. I bet she sitting with us right now." As the tortoise said that you looked out in front of you picturing you and Oka always hanging around here. Until you saw a little girl silhouette smiling back at you. You couldn't tell if your brain was playing tricks on you but you smiled and laughed.

"Speaking of resting. I'm going to take a small nap."

"Sure thing. Don't worry I'll soon take one too. I want to say something to someone before I join you."

"Alright good night, I'll see you later."

You looked at the sun for a minute until you noticed some specs gliding toward the sky. You looked at the tortoise, taking his nap but all that was left was an empty shell sitting down next to a warm cup of tea.

"You dam old tortoise. Couldn't even be there for my confession? Huh?" You laughed it off until you waited for a certain someone.

*~Macaque following the energy~*

"How far did this dam bird go?"

Macaque was now following this weak energy trail to the point he was about to give up. Then he noticed animals coming out of their homes and going in a certain direction. This gave him a clue about something and followed the animals to know where they were going. This lead to a mountain with a tree that's isolated from the other tree on the hill. Then he noticed piles of animals surrounding something big until he realized it was you. He ran towards you and saw you sleeping quietly while animals were on you trying to wake you up. Macaque took a look at you noticing your injuries were serious. He was about to lift you up until you grabbed his armed tightly. 

"Please don't... Just sit with me please..." You looked at Macaque and he noticed that you were having tears coming down your cheeks. He sat next to you and you started to hold his hand while he was sitting next to you.

"If we don't get you help, you'll die you know? You're losing a lot of blood." Macaque was trying to compose himself while through this.

"I know but I think I got enough help. Don't want to be in debt again..." You guys sat in silence until you broke the silence like always.

"What do you do when you're not on vacation and charming people everywhere you go?"

"What?" After a few seconds, Macaque was so confused but understood what you were talking about.

"Oh! Did my monkey charms affect you?"

"It sure has." You lifted the hand you were holding Macaque's and kissed his knuckle gently before putting it down. 

"If I was reborn again, I would love to see all the adventures you go on. No matter the ups and downs." You tilted your head a little bit with a smile and tears coming out of the corners of your eyes.

"Hey, bird brain! Don't say that. You're strong! If you die I'll find you and smack the back of your head so hard and... and..." Macauqe was losing himself as he watched you close your eyes.

"Birdy?! Hey, you awake! Y/n wake up! Did you hear me?!"

"I can hear you. I'm just resting my eyelids."

"Alright. Come on, I need to take you back to Mk's crew or the village to get you patched up or at least your home."

"There is no home. It's been destroyed I heard. And what's the point of the village."

"Come on Y/n! Please don't say that. Just stay with me a little longer. Please."

"Okay, Macaque. I'll hang on for a bit."

"Promise me!" You hesitated from those words. To be honest, you didn't know how long you could hold on. You didn't want to make a promise that you'll know would be broken soon.

"I'll try my best."

"No promise me!"

"I... promise..."

*~ Back to the Village ~*

Mk's crew was given the village a good scolding by explaining what just happened. Some villagers felt sorry others felt hesitant. Oka's family felt bad about what happened most of all. Ari (the man who wounded you) was in denial. He wanted to believe he was doing a good deed but a part of him knew something inside him couldn't stop himself from attacking you. While that was going on Macaque carried you piggyback style to the village. When you guys showed up villagers were surrounded in front by a couple of feet, so they won't get close to you or Macaque. The only ones who broke that distance were Mk's crew. As Macaque set you down on your feet, you were tackled straight away.

"Y/n!" Mk, Sandy, and Mei tackle you to the ground while Macaque was trying to rip them off you.

"Y/n you scared me half to death!"

"When you disappeared with Macaque we thought we overslept!"

"And when we were about to leave a spell was cast, where we couldn't leave."

"Don't ever leave us again without any explanation!" All 3 of them said while crying everywhere.

"Kid, don't ever scar us again." Pigsy pulled you into a deep hug.

"You still haven't told me your stories!" Tang came into the hug you were in with Pigsy.

Then The villagers started to get close to you. After a certain distance, they all went to their knees and apologized to you. You didn't care for their apologies because you just fulfilled a promise. After a long apology from each family and chief, particles started to appear around everyone. Children were wowed by them while the adults were concerned about them.

"Is this our forgiveness?" Villagers asked.

"Guys let's see who can catch the most!" Children started to run after the particles. It was a long silence before you spoke.

"It's fine. You were just doing your job. I wouldn't blame you. But speaking about this I am getting a little tired." The adults rushed to get a room ready for you but you just hold Macaque's hand.

"Hey... I feel soooo... light...." You were about to fall from your "faint" and to Macaque it felt like time has frozen.

"Y/n!" Macaque was about to catch you until he heard your soft voice again.

"Thank you... For everything..." As you were about to hit the ground, your body turned into particles.

Word Count: 1479

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