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     It had been a little over a month since Carrie fell into a coma and many more months since she, and April, disappeared. Athena's two closest– and only –friends had vanished. It felt as though her entire world was falling apart.

     The only stable thing in her life was the dojo she trained at every day after school. A little over a month ago Athena's sensei notified her that they would begin preparations for the final stage in her training. Athena had no clue what that would entail but she was excited. Today was the date they had set to finalize her training. Despite the disappearances of her friends and her family falling apart, Athena was happy. Her training took her mind off of all the horrible things happening around her. She was excited to take her hobby to the next level.

     As soon as the school bell rang Athena grabbed her skateboard and began her journey towards the dojo. She knew today was going to be a long day. She wasn't the only one ready to advance to the next level. Athena would have to watch her peers go through the initiations as well.

     The dojo Athena frequented was none other than Chris Bradford's. Although she disliked the guy, having never met him, the Sensei that had trained her was very skilled.

     When Athena arrived many of her fellow students were preparing themselves for the hours ahead. Athena dropped her bag and skateboard at one end of the wall. She took to the bathroom where she would change into her uniform.

     The other students had kneeled in their line, waiting for their Sensei. So when Athena exited the bathroom, she was quick to find her own place in the line.

     "Today's the day," their Sensei began. She made her way to the front of the class. "All of you will have an opportunity to prove yourself to me."

     "What do we have to do?" One student asks.

     Their Sensei smiles. "Defeat me."

     The answer surprised every one of the students. Their Sensei, although none of them had actually spared with her, was skilled. They doubted themselves. There was no way any of them could defeat her. But there wasn't any harm in trying. What did they have to lose?

     Every student knew their Sensei's name. What they did not know were her true motivations and affiliations. Little did they know Karai was just hoping to recruit them for her Master's agenda.

     "You," Karai says, pointing to the first student down the line. "You're first."

     The student stands and approaches Karai. Both bow their heads before positioning themselves. Athena was relieved she wasn't the first couple of people in line. Now she would have the opportunity to study Karai's movements while in battle.

     The match lasted a good couple of minutes. Ultimately, Karai defeated the student. No words were exchanged. She just motions for them to sit back down and calls for the next student.

     Eventually, it's Athena's turn. She stands, faces Karai, and bows. Athena was determined to pass this test. She told herself that it was just another sparring match against one of her peers.

     Karai initiated the battle. Athena noticed how aggressive her Sensei was. No one else before her was able to land many blows, although some came close. Athena knew she too would have to be aggressive. You cannot win a battle by just being defensive– not to Athena at least.

     The match began just as the ones before did: Karai attacking and Athena defending. Athena found small opportunities to attack Karai back but nothing big enough. Karai's aggression was persistent. Athena could feel her weight shift backward with each attack. She knew she couldn't make the same mistakes her classmates did. Sometimes you would need to fight fire with fire and Athena had no problem doing so.

     Athena shifted her weight forward. She began attacking her Sensei, completely switching from defensive to offensive. The change caught Karai by surprise and she suffered for it. Athena was light on her feet, using the new aggression as her fuel. She threw punches and kicks of which Karai had trouble keeping up. Karai fell back and hit the ground. Instead of pinning her there, Athena took a step back and bowed. Impressed– and infuriated –Karai jolts up from the ground, sweeping Athena's legs, and pinning her to the ground.

     Now it was Athena who was infuriated.

     Karai stood, releasing Athena. "Next."

     "What was that?!" Athena snaps, sitting up from the ground. She clenches her fists. "I knocked you down! I beat you!"

     "You didn't pin me." Karai frowns. "This is not any regular match. This is a test. No hesitations."

     "I didn't hesitate," Athena mumbles. "I followed the rules of the dojo."

     "You speak out of turn, student."

     Athena swallows her pride. "I'm sorry, Sensei."

     "Take your place."

     Athena obeys and kneels in her previous spot. The next student is called and the matches continue. The entire time the sparring continues Athena beats herself up in the head. Her mouth may have lost the chance to advance to the next level.

     The matches went on for a good couple of hours. When the last student finished their turn, Karai left the room. Confused, the students glanced at each other and began whispering. They dared not move.

     A couple of minutes later and their Sensei returned. In her hands, she held a stack of small cards. On the backs of these cards were each of the students' names. Everyone was handed a card that corresponded with their name. As soon as they got one, they flipped it over and read the word. When Athena received hers she was terrified to flip it over. She knew she couldn't avoid it and read the word on the back. Athena was surprised to find the word "passed" on the back in bold letters.

     "If you failed," Karai begins, "please leave. You will not be welcome back."

     The students looked at each other. No one stood out, fearing being ridiculed by their peers.

     "I know who failed. Get out."

     Once one student stood and left, the others who failed followed. Athena and a handful of others remained. Honestly, they were all surprised to see so few left. They certainly thought more of them had failed. But, they were relieved that they had passed. No one knew the consequence of failing was expulsion.

     Karai waits until the last student leaves to continue. "Please stand."

     The passing pupils obey and face their Sensei. Each one of them couldn't help but crack a smile.

     "Congratulations." Karai smiles. "The rest of you caught my attention and I believe you will make valuable assets to a much greater purpose."

     Athena frowned. That was certainly a weird way of congratulating them.

     "You have been chosen to join a more advanced group of warriors," Karai says. "This next part none of you will enjoy."

     All around the students, people dressed in black fall from the ceiling. Confused every one of them turns to their Sensei. Before any of them could question her, or in Athena's case, fight them, their heads are covered by a bag and they're pulled away. The soldiers that pulled them away throw the students in the back of a van and drive far away from Chris Bradford's studio.

     The drive lasts around twenty minutes before the van pulls up to its destination. The Foot Soldiers who had kidnapped the teenagers opened the back of the van and unloaded the students. The soldiers took the students into the lair.

     When the covering was taken from Athena's head, she found herself in a bedroom. Behind her, she heard the door slam and lock. She ran to the door and began pounding.

     "Hey! Let me out!" Athena screams. "This is illegal!"

     There was no response and Athena knew no one was going to let her out any time soon. She took the opportunity to take a tour of the bedroom. For just being kidnapped, the living arrangements were quite suitable and comfortable. There was even an attached bathroom. It was certainly nicer than her room at home.

     Athena flops onto the bed and groans into the covers. She flips herself over and stares at the ceiling. "Well this blows," she grumbles.

From the Shadows: Warriors || BOOK 2 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now