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     For the next couple of days, the lair was much livelier than it had been in a long time. Although the two parents remained unsure of the mutants, they no longer minded their presence. They continued to discuss their moving plans, which would take a while before the families could move out of the city. 

     "I'm going to miss our little meetups," Athena says.

     She and Raphael sat at the kitchen table. They were the only ones left in the kitchen after dinner. She tapped her index finger against the surface. 

     "They don't have to stop."

     Athena smiles. "They just won't be the same. I mean, no sneaking out. No betrayal." She didn't mention how, soon, they would stop regardless.

     "Well," Raph begins, "when your mom knows when you'll be leaving, we'll go. One last time."

     "I don't know." Athena sighs. "It feels more dangerous and my mom..."

     "You're the one that said you'll miss them."

      "I know, I know. It's just that-"

     Raph stands. He leans his back against the table, his forearms resting on top. "Unless you were just trying to say that you're gonna miss me."

     Athena snaps her head up at him. Her cheeks flush red. She shakes her head. "That's not what I was saying at all."

     "It kinda sounds like it."

     "You know what," Athena stands, "I'll do it. Before I leave forever. One last time."

     "One last time."

     "Wow, that was touching," Casey interrupts.

     The two turn to the doorway. They both give the intruder glares.

     "How long have you been standing there?" Athena asks.

     "Long enough."

     "That's... really weird."

     "I don't care, Athena." Casey turns to Raph. "Leo is having tea. Right now. Dojo. Angel begged him and I didn't even have to ask her this time."

     No more words were exchanged. Raph sprinted out of the kitchen, Casey following close behind. Athena rolled her eyes but tagged along anyway. 

     Mikey was already peaking in through the cracked doorway. Raph pushed him out of the way to see for himself and sure enough: teatime.

     "This is too good," Raph whispers.

     "Check out all these pictures I got," Mikey says. He pulls up his T-Phone and begins swiping through all the pictures he was able to snap.

     "Too good," Raph mumbles. He could hardly contain his smile. Leo could never live this down.

     Athena stood up on her toes. She peered over Raph's shoulder to get a glimpse at the photos and to look inside the dojo. She noticed Angel get up.

     "Hide, hide." Athena stepped away and quickly ran to hide behind the adjacent wall. Raph, Mikey, and Casey followed her.

     Angel had thanked Leo. She was growing increasingly tired and wanted to go to bed. She left the dojo yawning and returned to her room. The four watched as she closed the door before bursting into the dojo, arms up, laughing. Leo sighed.

     "I can't believe it. This is twice now!" Mikey exclaims. "Twice!"

     "I don't understand what you guys find so funny about it," Leo says.

From the Shadows: Warriors || BOOK 2 (TMNT)Where stories live. Discover now