Chapter 6. Booyakasha

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     The night swiftly approached. Karai had gathered up the recruits and waited for them to fall into line. She stood before them, hands clasped behind her back. "We are expecting to run into some very dangerous mutants tonight. Ultimately, this will be a test of loyalty and strength."

     The recruits were not scared by Karai's speech. They all assumed this was set up. The mutants they were to run into were part of Shredder's upper ranks. All were prepared to face these mutants. Of course, their assumption was incorrect.

     Karai led the recruits out of the lair and up onto the rooftops. They took the same route they had the night before. As far as the recruits could tell, this was an easy mission.

     Far off in the distance, Karai could just make out the outline of six figures. She assumed them to be the turtles, April, and Casey. She stopped the recruits and pointed to the figures. "There they are."

     Athena had to squint her eyes just to be able to tell that there could be figures in the distance. Right then she realized she'd have to take this even more seriously than she was. She'd have to be constantly aware of her surroundings. This could prove to be a difficult skill to develop but Athena knew it was essential.

     "Be on high alert," Karai orders. "These mutants are very skilled."

     "Are we just supposed to fight them off?" Athena asks.

     "Our goal is to capture them." Karai crosses her arms. "We have made many attempts in the past. All of which fail."

     Athena furrows her brows. "Doesn't this seem kind of pointless?"

     "We are in the midst of a war with these mutants. Our old soldiers were expendable. They will not kill you." Karai grins. "We can overpower them. My mission is to figure out what they're planning."

     As Karai spoke, the recruits gathered that these mutants were definitely not a part of Shredder's upper ranks. It was one thing to spare against one of your own but this would be an actual battle. One small mistake and the recruits could be seriously injured. None of them had any idea what was in store for them and feared finding out.

     Karai picked up the pace once again. The recruits almost had a difficult time keeping up. As they closed the gap between the figures and themselves, the figures became much more clear. The recruits were able to identify four of the figures as mutant turtles. The other two were human.

     The figures caught the glance of the small group of Foot soldiers that approached them. They readied their weapons, prepared to confront the new soldiers. Karai hopped across the last rooftop, landing before the turtles and their human allies. The rest of the recruits followed, forming two lines behind Karai.

     "Karai," Leo grumbles, holding his head high.

     "Where have you been?" Karai laughs. "Have you finally realized you've lost?"

     "We've had time to develop a plan," Leo bluffs, "and we know exactly what you're planning."

     "You're not a very good liar, Leonardo." Karai stands off to the side. "How do you like my new army?"

     "I'm surprised the Shredder would ever go back to human soldiers," Donnie says.

     Karai shrugs. She grasps Athena's arm and pulls her to the front. Karai pushes her towards the turtles. Confused, Athena turns to go back but Karai shakes her head.

     "I know you six can't possibly outmatch my new soldiers." Karai grins. "I'm giving you a freebie."

     "What?" Athena questions.

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