Chapter 2. The Leap

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     When Athena finished her meal, she quickly got changed into her new uniform. The rest of the day she spent idly. She meandered around her bedroom quarters, staring off into the empty spaces between the furniture. Athena caught herself glancing at the walls where she expected windows to be. Of course, there were none. She imagined that there were windows and saw New York City right out of them. The sight, although imagined, brought peace and comfort. Athena felt as though these imagined windows of hers cast beautiful frames for her picture of New York City.

     Time passed exceptionally slowly. Without an actual window or clock, there was no telling what time of the day it could be. Athena waited patiently for the night to come so that she and the rest of the recruits could get on with their first mission.

     When a Foot Soldier opened Athena's door, she sighed and smiled. She had seated herself against the opposite wall of the door and had been staring at it. Athena may have been staring at the door for hours but she had no indicators of how long it had truly been.

     "Finally!" Athena shot up from her seated position. "Let's get this show on the road!"

     When Athena walked out into the hall, everyone else was standing by their doors facing the front of the hallway. Athena followed the same protocol, waiting for whatever it was they were waiting for. Eventually, Karai turned the corner. She stood before the recruits, hands behind her back.

     "You're all being given a tanto blade and a mask," Karai says.

     As other soldiers began to walk down the hall, handing everyone the two items, Karai continued her speech.

     "Many of you will try to flee tonight. Perhaps even attempt to fight back with the weapon you have just been given." Karai frowns, eyeing Athena. "I promise that you will not succeed. Even if you think you have gotten away, the Foot Clan has the resources to track you and your family down. I can further promise that the punishment for these acts will be... permanent."

     As badly as Athena wanted to use this new blade to fight her way through Karai and escape, she believed every word Karai spoke. If all the recruits banded together to fight back it might be possible but there could be no way for Athena to grab their attention, let alone convince them. Athena quickly decided she would play the long game. If she could earn trust and rise in rank, she could put an end to this all.

    "Masks on."

     Everyone follows Karai's orders. The mask covers the entire face, exposing no noticeable features. A slick sheet of silver metal curves beneath the eyes and up the bridge of the nose, covering the lower half of the face. A thick belt of dark plastic wraps around where the eyes are, allowing for those wearing it to be able to see. This band of sturdy plastic connects the bottom of the mask to the top, where a sheet of metal covers the forehead, much like the bottom half.

     Athena had to admit, that the masks looked awesome. Weirdly enough, she felt powerful wearing it. She pulled her hair back into a tight pony, ready for her first mission.

     Karai leads the group through the layers of the Foot's hideout. Everyone followed uniformly in two perfect lines. No one's eyes wandered. Their minds were made up of hopelessness. They were to follow the Foot without struggling. Many told themselves it was for their families but most of them were just too scared to disobey, let alone think about disobeying.

     As the group came to the first floor, Tiger Claw joined, following behind the two lines. They passed through the throne room, which was empty. Athena found it eerier than when Master Shredder had been sitting upon it. It was a feeling she couldn't explain. At least when Shredder was there, everything was in place. Everything was present. Without him there, it was as if something was missing. Athena much preferred to see Shredder on his throne than to see him not there. At least then she knew where he was. She, along with the others, had only seen a fraction of the Foot's lair. Who knows what he was up to while not seated on the throne, overseeing his entire operation. The thought was scary. Athena wondered what secrets he had hidden away in these walls.

     Karai led the recruits out of the lair, taking them to the side of the building, and began climbing. Some were confused and others were scared. As a whole, no one wanted to climb up the building. The team followed Karai up and watched as she leaped to another building. She spun around, waiting for them to follow. Everyone stood perfectly still.

     "What are you waiting for?" Karai snaps. "Jump!"

     The people at the front of the line didn't budge. They looked back at their peers. Many thought of running the other way. It was a lost cause. Tiger Claw kept up with the back of the lines. He surely would catch anyone trying to run the other way.

     Athena looked around, noticing everyone's hesitation. She sighed. She knew that if she was going to prove herself she would have to step up. Athena stepped out of her line. Tiger Claw, who thought she was attempting to escape, made a mad dash for her. Before he could grab hold of her, Athena sprinted forward. As she approached the ledge she held her breath and jumped. Time for her seemed to slow. The couple of seconds she was flying through the air felt much longer. When Athena landed on the next rooftop she exhaled all the air she had held and smiled. A rush of adrenaline overcame her. Her legs and arms felt weak but that didn't stop her from getting up and shouting with excitement.

     Karai had not expected anyone to actually attempt to cross the gap. She was pleasantly surprised. Although, she was slightly annoyed that it had been Athena to take the leap. But because she had, Karai now expected everyone else to follow. It took a while for them to gain the courage to jump across the rooftop. Once everyone had made it, they were all positioned back in their lines and faced Karai.

     "Our enemies are skilled ninjas. We had little practice using weapons in the dojo. If you want to survive, you will need to learn, and quickly."

     Tiger Claw stepped to the front of the lines, grabbing his sword. "Let's begin, cubs."

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