Chapter 14. Truth

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    The pressure of the knowledge Athena had accumulated began to make itself apparent. As the day passed, it became increasingly difficult to concentrate on anything. All Athena could think about was what she had heard Shredder say and how she was to tell all of this to Raph.

     Karai had noticed throughout the day just how timid Athena became. While Athena thought she could hide it well, she could not. Karai did not mention anything. If she could make Athena feel as safe and secure as possible, it would make ambushing her much easier– and much more fun.

     Even the other recruits began to notice something was up. Athena's peers, who were once acquaintances, became distant strangers. Their new lives became completely devoted to themselves. Athena herself had to admit that she cared less and less about the rest of them and more about herself. Although those feelings were very deep and hardly noticeable, they were certainly there.

     Eventually, as the evening came around, Athena was excused from the lair. Getting away only lifted some of the stress that was filling Athena's mind. The rest of the worry came from just how she was going to bring everything up to Raph. There were so many questions she wanted to be answered. Athena worried he would believe her to be lying, as she claimed to not want or care to know about what was going on. Athena also was unsure if she really should even talk to Raph about everything. To some degree, she felt as though this was a conversation to have with April instead. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time or privacy to contact April.

     Athena arrived at the location she had met Raphael the previous night. She was the first to arrive. Athena sat in the middle of the rooftop and laid back, staring up at the night sky. It calmed her nerves, but only slightly. The longer she had to wait for him, the more the calm began to diminish. It got to the point where she had to sit up. Her chest felt tight and she found it harder and harder to breathe. Athena was so desperate for answers and so worried about his trust that she felt entirely trapped. She felt backed into a corner.

     Athena pulled her knees to her chest. "He isn't coming." She buried her head into her knees and sighed. "He isn't coming."

     "No need to get so upset."

     Athena looks up and frowns. "I'm not."

     "You can't lie to me." The turtle smirks and sits next to her. "You were upset."

     "No, I wasn't. I was just starting to think you weren't going to show up."

     Raph shrugs. "Sneaking out gets difficult when Leo's been on my shell."

     "Well, hopefully, it'll be over soon."

     "Yeah. Hopefully."

     Athena looked back down at the ground. She glanced over at the turtle, who was peering up into the sky. She noticed a small smile and all of a sudden she felt guilt. It was no surprise why she felt guilty. Shredder had tasked Athena with gaining his trust and she had been keeping her mission from him.

     "We have a lot to talk about tonight."

     Raph looks over at her. "Something come up?"

     "A lot of things, actually. First things first. Did your sensei kill Karai's mother?"

      Raphael was thrown back by the question. "That's a lie."

     "Then who did?"

     Raphael began to recount the details of Tang Shen's death. He revealed Karai's real name and a minor history of the relationship between Master Splinter and Master Shredder.

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