Chapter 3. White Versus Jones

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     Tiger Claw had shown the recruits many techniques for wielding their weapons. Their training under Karai proved useful and many of them were able to apply their training to the blade. This session lasted no more than thirty minutes. After all, the best way for them to learn how to use the tanto was to use it in combat.

     Karai had hoped that they would run into the turtles on this patrol. Of course, she had been hoping to encounter them for the past month. They were laying low, leaving the Foot to their plans. That also meant that the Foot had no clue of what the turtles were up to, either. Both Tiger Claw and Karai knew they most likely would not run into the turtles. Regardless, they were to take the recruits on many of their routes and to places where they commonly spotted the turtles.

     "Hey, Karai!" Athena shouts. She steps out of her line and sprints up towards the leader. "I have an idea!"

     Karai rolls her eyes and stops running. The lines halt behind her. "What is it?"

     "Since our whole only-get-to-visit-our-families-once things technically start tonight, we could stop by our apartments if we get close."

     Karai frowns. She had been planning to wait until the very end. She even considered not allowing it. Now she knew she could not get away with the latter. Karai had to admit, it wasn't an awful idea. It would certainly save time.

     Karai sighs. "Fine. Just let me-"

     "Great! We're standing on my building."

     Karai inhales and holds her breath. She certainly was not having it with Athena. "Let's go."

     Athena led Karai down the fire escape to the level of her apartment. The two approached a window that peered into the living room. Athena peaked in. It was dark except for the dim light coming from the kitchen. Athena took off her mask and handed it to Karai before she opened the window and crawled in. The two entered the apartment. Karai followed Athena to the kitchen. She didn't enter with her but instead stood behind a wall to listen in.

     Athena's mother sat at the kitchen table, head resting on the table. Athena noticed her phone was placed right in front of her, face up.


     She shot up from the table, startled. It took her a couple of seconds to recognize Athena standing before her. "Where have you been?!"

     Athena hugs her mother. "I'm sorry," she whispers.

     "What happened?!"

     "I can't tell you," Athena says, taking a step back. "All I can tell you is that I'm fine. We all are."

     "Of course, you're fine now, you're home!" Her mother smiles.

     "I can't stay."

     Her mother's heart drops. "Of course, you can..."

     Athena shakes her head. "I can't. I need you to trust me."

     "I don't understand. You're here now."

     "Please, listen to me. I-"

     A knock on the door cut Athena off. She looks over at the door and then back at her mother. "Who's that?"

     "The Jones'."

     Athena frowns. "Really? I disappear and you call your boyfriend and his family over?"

     "Oh don't give me that. They just got back from Canada. As soon as you went missing I called Arnold. He said he'd come over as soon as he could."

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