Chapter 17. Mission: Breakout

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     Athena left her room and walked swiftly down the many corridors that made up Shredder's lair. She planned on heading to the dungeon to meet with Raphael. She wasn't sure what exactly she was going to say. She didn't worry about it too much– she'd figure it out as they talked. All Athena worried about was whether or not he hated her now.

     Athena pushed open the door to the dungeon, slowly peeking in to make sure no one was around. When she didn't see anyone, she fully stepped in, glancing around at all the cells. They were all empty except for one.

     Raphael sat in the center of his, facing away from the iron bars that trapped him. Athena ran up to his cell, cupping her hands around the bars.


     The turtle turned his head, looking up at Athena over his shoulder. "Came all this way just to see me."

     "Are you alright?"

     "For being locked up in Shredder's creepy dungeon, I'd say pretty good."

     "Listen... I... I'm really sorry."

     "Nothing to be sorry for," the turtle murmurs, turning his head away and returning his gaze to the floor beneath him.

     "I shouldn't have continued to meet with you. Especially when I knew it would be dangerous."

     "I knew it was dangerous too. I shouldn't have tried to protect you from that smoke. You really need to learn to take care of yourself."

     Athena rolls her eyes. "Why can't you just accept my apology?"

     Raph shrugs. He stands and strides over to the iron bars. "What's the plan?"

     "I called Leo."

     "How did that go?"

     "I told him the plan. Hopefully, he believes me."

     "You told him the plan?"

     "That's what I said, isn't it? They're going to get my mom to safety and get the others out of here. Once that's done, they'll be coming for us."

     "Easy for us. We just sit and wait."

     "I don't think our job will be that simple." Athena sighs. "I think Shredder is planning on experimenting on you, not me."

     "I thought you told me he said-"

     "I know what I told you. I think he knew I was listening when I heard him say that. But after you were dragged away, Shredder told Karai to prepare the lab and make sure Baxter's ready. He just let me leave after that."

     "Great," Raph groans.

     "I don't know when they'll be ready but when they are, they'll come to get you. We need to make sure they aren't able to start the experiment and give your brothers time."

     "It sounds like we have the hardest job."

     "Pretty much. I'll do what I can without being suspicious."

     "Well, it's not like I'm going anywhere." Raph taps his chin. "If I'm going to be able to do anything, I'm going to need my stuff."

     Raph was referring to his belt and sais. Karai had confiscated them from him when he was taken as a prisoner.

     "I'll look for where they took it all."

     "Before you do that, try to figure out when Baxter is going to be ready."

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