Chapter 12. City Light Stars

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     The next day proceeded much like the others. There was nothing special to do during the day except for training and eating. Yet, as the day went on, the more anxious both Athena and Raphael became. Athena didn't really have a plan. Her plan only went as far as arranging the meeting. She needed to comply with Shredder's intentions to some degree but how she would go about that, she had no clue.

     Raph's nerves stemmed from the fear of walking into a trap. Usually, he wouldn't be so anxious. But, this was something he was doing alone. Other times, if he thought he was heading into a trap, at least his brothers would be right there with him. The more he thought about it, the more stupid he believed this entire situation to be. And, at the same time, he couldn't bring himself to tell his brothers what Athena had told him. Raph couldn't bring himself to reveal the secret and have them join him in meeting Athena. It should be easy, coming clean about the secret, but something held him back. Something kept Raph's mouth shut and sealed. He didn't know what it was nor could he even begin to explain it. All he knew was that he would have to follow through and meet with Athena, just this one time.

     Raphael pushes the doors open to the lab. He stands in the doorway. "We patrolling tonight?"

     Leo, who peered over Donatello's shoulder, shakes his head. He didn't turn to face his brother. Whatever it was they were working on, Leo was too involved. "Not tonight. Yesterday was too suspicious. We should lay low for a couple of days until Donnie can hack into their system."

     Raph shrugs. "Alright."

     When Raph left and shut the doors, Leonardo glanced behind him, staring at where Raphael stood seconds before. He narrowed his eyes, now suspicious of his brother. Raph usually wasn't as agreeable. He hated skipping patrols and hated being stuck down in the sewers. His casual "alright" was enough to get Leo alarmed. Now was no time to try and understand Raph. Whatever strange mood he was in, Leo would have to deal with that later. He returned his attention to Donatello and his work.

     Raph took a deep breath. Sneaking out would certainly be easier than he thought. Leo and Donnie were too busy to be bothered and Mikey, well, who knows what Mikey was up to. Casey and April had been spending their free time catching up. That left Raphael to be able to do as he pleased. Unfortunately, what he was pleased to do wasn't exactly what he had to do.

     He didn't waste any more time stalling. Raph raced out of the lair. As he sprinted through the sewers and made his way onto the surface, he became angry with himself. He did a lot of stupid things. He rushed into battles and was reckless. This, however, he believed to be the most stupid thing he could do. It made him even angrier that he couldn't bring himself to just stop and return home. At the same time, Raph hated how frightened he was. They were working on freeing Athena and the rest of the recruits. She couldn't possibly try anything that would betray them. Even if she did, Raph was certain he could take her. He could beat any of the recruits. There was no need for him to feel anxious.

     The turtle neared the meeting spot. Before jumping onto that rooftop, he jumped across the surrounding buildings, conducting a quick perimeter search. He saw nor heard anyone. Temporarily satisfied with his safety, Raph jumped up onto the rooftop he was supposed to meet Athena. However, she was not there.

     Raph decided he could afford to wait a couple of minutes. He walked along the edge of the rooftop, keeping a lookout for anything and anyone. More minutes passed than he thought he was willing to wait. With each loop made around the rooftop, Raph kept telling himself he could wait a couple more minutes. Many, many loops later and Raph finally decided to sit down.

     "Seriously," Raph grumbles. "I go out of my way to show up and she can't be bothered."

     He pulls out his T-Phone. It could be possible that she had tried to text or call him. Maybe something came up? But there were no notifications.

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