Chapter 21. Teatime

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     April and Casey were already leading the confused, devasted, and terrified through the sewer tunnels. It took quite a lot of convincing to get them to follow and April had already begun trying to explain the situation. Although she was trying to warn them about the turtles, the brothers' identities weren't fully revealed. Athena's mother didn't care; she just wanted to see Athena. But they were surely in for a surprise.

     When they arrived at the lair, the surprise had already begun to burst.

     "What is this place?" Ms. White mutters.

     "This is our hangout spot," Casey answers. "And it's their home."

     "Where are they?" Arnold asks. He holds his daughter, Casey's sister, close to him. "Where's Athena?"

     Faint and muffled sounds of struggle came from the lab. Both April and Casey glanced towards the doors. Now was as good a time as any to warn them.

     "They're in there," April begins, pointing to the lab, "But you should know that-"

     The two parents rushed into the room, April and Casey chasing after them. All fell silent as the three humans laid their eyes upon the mutants. Arnold held his daughter close, pushing her behind him.

     "What.. is this..." Ms. White's voice shakes. She holds her hands up to her mouth when she sees Athena.

     Takao is the first to attempt to alleviate their shock. He approaches them, being the only other human in the room.

     "I am Doctor Adachi."

     "What are you doing to her?"

     Takao hesitates. "We are extracting a poison from her body. The process is easy. Athena was just subjected to so much that we need to be able to replace the blood we've had to take."

     Casey stepped in front of his father. "They are our friends."

     "This is impossible!" Arnold snaps. His shock subsides only for a moment to voice his confusion and anger.

     "Please," April pleads. "Athena needs our help. They saved her!"

     "No." Ms. White shakes her head. She pushes past Takao, wearily approaching Athena's table. She glares at Donatello. "We're taking her to a real hospital with real doctors."

     "I can assure you no other doctor or hospital will be able to treat Athena's condition," Takao says. He stands beside the mother, pulling a card from one of his many pockets. "I am a real doctor."

     Ms. White took the card and examined it. The doctor's ID card seemed real enough. But everything in front of her was so surreal she wasn't sure if Takao could be trusted.

     "Mom, please," Athena begs. She manages to whisper the words between her gritted teeth. "This hurts."

     Her mother kneels beside the table, resting a hand on her daughter's forehead. "We're going to help you. Come with us and we'll go-"

     "I can't," Athena heaves.

     Ms. White took a step back. She didn't know what to believe and she certainly didn't trust the mutants, although none of them dared speak. What she did know was the pain her child was in. If any part of this situation was real, it was her daughter.

     "Okay..." she whispers.

     Arnold hesitantly neared the two. "Are you sure about this?"

     Ms. White nods. "Please."

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