Chapter 1. The Foot's Hospitality

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     Athena remained in her room the entire night. She didn't fall asleep right away and stayed awake most of the night. Most of her time was spent trying to find an escape. She tried screaming, hoping the others could hear her. There was no response but there was also no one telling her to be quiet. Perhaps the rooms were sound-proof.

     "Alright," Athena says, bouncing on her toes and shaking her arms out. "Let's do this."

     She sprints towards the door, shoulder first. The force pushes back on Athena and she falls back. The door, unfortunately, did not burst open like Athena thought it would. She wasn't too surprised though. She shouldn't have expected anything different.

     "Scratch that off the bucket list," Athena mumbles. "Get kidnapped. Check."

     Athena slept off and on the entire night. She couldn't sleep more than an hour at a time. More importantly, she was starving. To Athena, the night was never-ending. She waited patiently for the morning, hoping for food and an explanation.

     When the morning came, Athena sat by the door. She vowed to not leave the spot. If anyone were to come in, she would be ready. Athena was surprised when they came fairly early in the morning. The soldiers opened her door and as soon as they did she jumped towards them. Athena should've expected to be restrained quickly but she didn't think that far ahead. She glanced behind her and noticed all of the other students being taken from their rooms. Some fought back, others didn't.

     A tiger mutant stepped up before the hallway. "The Master awaits his new soldiers."

     Athena had never faced a mutant before. There were rumors, sure, but believing them was a different story. Athena, along with the others, was terrified of the tiger that spoke before them.

     The soldiers dragged the students down the corridor, up some stairs, and through some doors. They were taken into Shredder's throne room where they were forced to kneel before the throne. Shredder sat on top of it, watching his new soldiers filing in.

     Karai stands in front of the steps leading up to her master's throne. She places her hands on her hips and smiles. "This is your home now. All of you were chosen because of your exceptional skills and potential. You now serve our Master Shredder."

     The students raise their heads and watch as the man stands from his throne. His armor was the first thing they all noticed. It was terrifying.

     "You all will be given uniforms," Karai continues. "Our first mission comes tonight."

     Athena rolls her eyes and stands. The soldiers who dragged her in try to restrain her but she shoves them away. "This sounds all sounds cool and I'd totally accept if it weren't for the kidnapping and everything. I just don't think this is really my thing." Athena laughs. "I got a math test on Monday."

     Shredder raises his hand. The soldiers who kept trying to push Athena off backed away. "None of you will be allowed to return to your normal lives."

     "Then I'm going to have to graciously decline this offer."

     "It's not a choice, child," Shredder says, walking down the stairs from his throne.

     "I'm sure if you and your little cult were nicer we'd be more willing to fight for you." Athena crosses her arms and taps her foot. "What's the cause? What am I fighting for?"

     "Once you prove yourself to the Foot-"

     "No way am I fighting for the Foot Clan," Athena interrupts Karai. She recognized the name but New York City hadn't had an issue with the clan for a long time now. "I thought you guys left New York anyway."

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