Chapter 10. Trust

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     When the turtles made their escape from the docks, Shredder's mutants began rounding up the recruits and the oni-masked soldiers. Karai turned toward the boss angrily.

     "Whoever that was," the boss says, holding both his hands up, "they weren't one of mine."

     "Tell that to Master Shredder," Karai growls.

     The Foot escorts the Akai Akuma back to Shredder's lair. They all entered the throne room except for Athena and Fishface. He guided her down the halls into Baxter Stockman's laboratory, an off-limits section of the lair, to be treated for her wound.

     The boss and his soldiers were pushed down, forced to kneel, before Master Shredder. They lowered their heads, awaiting his wraith.

     Shredder leans forward. "I didn't even receive half of my shipment."

     The boss looks up. "Someone sabotaged my operation."

     "I do not care what happened," Shredder snaps. "It is your job to ensure the safety of my cargo."

     "That becomes difficult when your soldiers turn on me." The boss stands, clenching his fists. "Whoever it was, knew-"

     "I do not care," Shredder repeats.

     "We still require payment."

     Shredder stands from his throne. "Your payment," He steps down and holds his blades against the boss' neck, "is keeping your lives."

     The man backs away and bows. His soldiers quickly stand and bow as well. "We graciously accept your offer, Master Shredder."

     "Good." Shredder steps back up to his throne and reclaim his seat. "Bring Athena to me."

     The Akai Akuma take their leave. The rest of the recruits depart into the hallways towards their separate rooms. Karai made her way down the corridors to retrieve Athena. When she entered the lab, Baxter was rolling Athena's arm in a bandage. When he secured the ends, Athena jumped off the table and turned towards the exit. She noticed Karai standing in the doorway waiting for her.

     "What do you want?" Athena asks, holding her arm. The cut still stung and burned.

     "Master Shredder needs to speak with you."

     Athena frowns. "Of course he does."

     The two walk side-by-side down the hallways in complete silence. Athena makes mental notes of all the turns they make. She wants to memorize the pathing to the lab. It would certainly come in handy.

     Karai pushes open the doors to the throne room. Athena steps inside and Karai closes the doors behind her. No one else joined them. This was to be a private conversation.

     Athena took large strides towards Shredder. She stood before him and did not kneel and did not bow. This did not bother him as much as she thought it would. In all honesty, he was in no mood to recognize such signs of respect and obedience.

     "Who was it that saved you?" Shredder questions.

     Athena held her breath. Rahzar must've told him. "I don't know his name."

     "One of those turtles?"

     Athena nods. "Red mask."

     "Raphael," Shredder clarifies. She didn't need the clarification. She knew his name well enough but could not reveal that she had discovered it. "You did not lie."

     "Of course, I didn't. There's no point in them." Athena smiles awkwardly. "Is this all this is about? I was sort of expecting you to get mad at me about the-"

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