Chapter 18. Should've, Could've, Would've

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     Master Shredder stepped past the smoke. The rest of the fumes diffused away, revealing the rest of Shredder's angry henchmen. Raph moved away from Athena, shaking his arms out and readying his sais.

     "Your escape attempt is foolish." Shredder focuses his attention on Athena. "Your betrayal is for nothing."

      Athena grasped her tanto, pulling the weapon from its sheath. Before the battle could begin, a sudden surge of pain traveled through Raphael's arm. He fell to his knees, clenching his fist. The veins receding from his elbow spiked black, traveling up and across his neck. Just as quickly as the dark coloration appeared, it disappeared, the pain going with it. Raph stood, seemingly unphased by what had just happened to him. He did notice how remarkably better he felt, though. He felt as though he was never hit by Rocksteady or flung into the wall.

     "Fazzzzzcinating," Baxter buzzes. "Even the zzzmall amount of the zzzzerum I was able to inzert is having extraordinary effectzzz."

     "You are lucky I need you alive, turtle," Shredder mutters.

     "You'll have to catch me first, Shred-head."

     Shredder advanced towards them, swinging his blades. Athena and Raph used their weapons to block his attacks. Athena struggled, unknowing of just how skilled Shredder was. She had only ever fought her classmates, Karai, and the turtles. Her classmates, possessing the same skills as her, were not difficult opponents. Karai was much more talented than Athena, but at least Athena could keep up with her. Athena knew the turtles were much better than her, they had just gone easy on her. Shredder, on the other hand, was an entirely new obstacle. He was faster, stronger, and knew much more than Athena did. 

     Shredder understood his advantage against Athena all too well. He pushed Raphael away and faced Athena one-on-one. 

     "Unfortunately, I no longer have any use for you."

     Shredder directed his attacks against Athena. She blocked his blades but could feel her arms and legs becoming weak and rather quickly. She was not prepared to fight him. Athena could feel her knees buckling. She mustered all the strength she could to push his blades away but Shredder would not give. Any strength Athena exerted, Shredder would return with the same tenfold. 

     Athena lowered to her knees, holding Shredder's weapons inches above her head. She knew she could only last so long and it was beginning to feel like that time was up. Her arms began to shake under Shredder's strength. She could feel her hands slipping. 

     Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Raph racing towards her. He kneeled beside her, placing his sais over Athena's tanto. He took the weight of Shredder's blades and slowly began to stand, pushing against the Shredder.

     Athena sighed, relieved. Her arms fell to her side, sore and surging with pain. When she looked up again, Shredder's other mutants caught her eye. They watched the fight with arms crossed and smiles across their faces. Athena felt embarrassed. She felt like she and Raph were doomed to fail. They were being watched like it was some sort of game and everyone knew who'd win. 

     "I..." Athena turned her head, panning the room. She turned to Raph, who stood against Shredder, pushing him back. "I... can't."

     Raph shifted his head, glancing at her over his shoulder. "Yes, you can."

     Shredder kicked Raphael away. As the turtle stumbled back, another spike of pain rushed through his arm. The dark color returned as well, but only for a second. The pain lasted longer than the last. Raph fell to his knees, holding the afflicted arm to his stomach. He hunched over and bit his tongue to contain his cries.

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