Chapter 15. The Last Meal

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     "She's lying," Karai says.

     Athena had reported back to the two. She once again claimed to not have any breakthroughs with Raphael.

     "I know she is."

     "Before Athena left, she was nervous." Karai frowns. "Whatever she and Raph talked about... she's certainly content now."

     "We will wait no longer," Shredder says. "Baxter is almost ready. Tomorrow night, you will ambush them."

     "Yes, Master Shredder."

     Athena had retired for the night. All her nerves and worry had completely disappeared. Karai had picked up on her emotions quite well. Athena was, in fact, content. Happy, even. She felt warm- a slight sense of comfort. It was the best she had felt in a long while, given her situation.

     Even Raphael could share some of those same feelings. Once he returned to his home, he couldn't shake such feelings. Part of him hated it. It was a weird sensation- wanting to be angry and upset but unable to truly feel that way. The worst part for him was that he didn't even understand why.

     "Where you've been, bro?"

     Raph jumps, spinning around ready to confront his younger brother. "None of your business."

     Mikey crosses his arms. "You've been sneaking out."

     "What I do on my own time is my business."

     "We're not supposed to be going out."

     "Like I said, none of your business."

     Mikey grins. "What are you gonna give me to keep my mouth shut?"

     "If you tell Leo, I swear," Raph growls.

     "Start offering," Mikey says. He clasps his hands. "I hear you have some pretty sweet comics in your-"

     "How about this," Raph begins. His demeanor completely changes as he steps toward Mikey. "I won't pummel you into the ground."

     "Well, somebody's defensive."

     "Leave," Raph says as he turns towards his room. Yet, Mikey follows.

     "You've been meeting up with Athena, haven't you?"

     Raph frowns. "What I choose to do in my free time is my business."

     "You can't hide anything from me." Mikey's voice becomes progressively higher. "You've been sneaking out to see a girl."

     Raph huffs, rolling his head back. "I can hang out with who I want when I want. Especially when it's business-related."

     "You can tell yourself that," Mikey smiles. "My Mikey senses are tingling. And they're telling me little Raphie has a little cr-"

     "It's business!" Raph snaps. "Nothing like that. I have to get a break from you anyways."

     "Nope, nope, nope. I know you-"

     "I'm going to bed," Raph says. He slams his bedroom door in Mikey's face.

     Raph didn't worry about Mikey exposing him to his brothers. He knew he wouldn't dare. And now one other person knew where he'd be. Raph doubted Athena would try anything, but in case anything did happen, Mikey would know. At least, Raph hoped Mikey would be smart enough to catch on if he didn't return.

     The next day proceeded just as the previous ones had for both Raph and Athena. The day's activities consisted primarily of training. There was not much else either could do. Raph, however, took time to check up on Donatello's progress. He understood hacking into Shredder's system would take time but Raph now knew time was not on their side. He didn't reveal to Donnie what Athena had told him but instead encouraged him and gave him a slight nudge to work faster. Some progress was being made, but not as much as Raph was hoping for. He wouldn't admit it, but Raph certainly was getting anxious.

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