Chapter 7. The Phone Call

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     The recruits retired to their living quarters. All except Athena. She passed her room and continued to follow Karai down the long corridor. Athena knew Karai was headed to discuss whatever information she had gathered with Master Shredder. In all honesty, Athena didn't care. All she wanted was to confront Karai about how she had treated her earlier in the night.

     "Why are you following me?" Karai snaps, spinning around.

     "I know you don't like me that much," Athena begins, "but trying to get them to kill me? That was low."

     "I've already told you, that wouldn't happen. They don't have the will."

     Athena frowns. "I know they were seriously considering it."

     Karai shrugs. "So what if they were? They didn't and I know they couldn't actually follow through."

     "I still don't appreciate it."

     "Of course, you don't. That was more of a test for you. You handled yourself exceptionally well." Karai smiles. "You and I aren't so different."

     "Trust me," Athena mutters. "We're different."

     Karai turns back around and continues on her path. Athena watches Karai turn the corner before she begins to head back to her room. She couldn't tell if she was satisfied with the conversation or not. She still felt angry about how Karai had handled the situation but she was relieved that Karai had begun to warm up to her. Besides, Athena knew remaining upset wouldn't help her.

     Karai pushed open the doors to the throne room. She kneeled before Master Shredder and bowed her head. "The turtles haven't been making any progress."

     "Are you certain?"

     "Yes," Karai says.

     "Good." Shredder stands from his throne. "But I still will not take any chances."

     "Of course, Master Shredder."

     "My shipments will be arriving tomorrow night." Shredder walks down the steps to his throne and walks past Karai. She promptly stands and follows. "See to it the recruits are ready."

     "Yes, Master Shredder."

     Athena made it back to her quarters. When she got there, she closed the door and headed into the bathroom. She closed and locked the bathroom door and pulled out the phone from her pocket. It was atrociously shaped. The back was rounded, very much resembling that of a turtle's shell. Athena rolled her eyes. What a ridiculous concept.

     Regardless, the phone worked just like any other smartphone. It only had very basic apps for all new smartphones. Athena pulled up the messages app. There were six contacts already listed: the four turtles, April, and Casey. All of which had corresponding pictures. Athena didn't care so much about matching the turtles' faces to names (although helpful to her). All she wanted was to see if the phone worked so she could contact April. She had so many questions that just needed answering.

     Athena clicked on April's name and proceeded to call her, instead of texting. Only a few minutes passed before it was answered.


     "Athena!" April exclaims through the other side of the phone. "Hold on. I'm going to get the guys."

     "'The guys?'" Athena mumbles. She frowns. She had been hoping to talk privately for the time being but that would have to wait.

     "Alright." April's voice returns. "You're on speaker."

     "This is Leonardo," another voice says. Athena connects the name to the face and bandanna color in the picture. "We imagine you don't have much time so first things first. We need to know how exactly you were initiated into the Foot and what they're doing to keep you there."

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