The Best of the Best

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Charity's Pov:

As soon as Vincent called out the winners which was Zayn, Niall, and Harry, I stood by Irais to watch. "Hey." I said looking at Irais who was in a daze looking at the guys. Zayn apparently 'didn't feel good' but I think he was just chickening out. But winner will face Ashton. And I was watching Ashton teach Irais how to fight, and damn, he's really good, he's a lot stronger than he looks.

Irais didn't reply to my first comment so I decided to make conversation.

"So, are you happy you get to control weather? Maybe you can can make it snow more often." I said hinting at the last part by elbowing her. She cracked a smile at that. "Are you ok?" I said more concerned this time.

"Me and Niall haven't been really interacting....." she said with a frown not turning away from the fight.

"Oh...." I said turning away from Irais trying to shoo away the touchy subject. I love Irais and I love Niall as a brother but some people just aren't compatible which I hope will change in the future.

Actually paying attention to the fight this time I noticed Harry knock Niall to the ground with a triumphant smile but suddenly disappeared from his face when he saw Niall get back up with out using his hands just by using his lower body strength. Suddenly pulling Harry's head down to his knee and bashing it in a few times.

I looked at Harry in horror. Suddenly mad at Niall I stormed over to him and used Harry's power against him by burning him. Putting my hand to his wrist and turning the temperature to 180 degrees I yanked his hand off. I could feel the glare I was giving him and I could tell it would kill him if looks could kill.

"Stop! Please." Niall screamed. I hated seeing people hurt but revenge was what was coming for him. I didn't feel right hurting him so I let go after five seconds.

When I let go I could see that my small hands left a red mark from the burn.
" Be sure to put that in cold water immediately." I said with no emotion in my voice.

Since when did I get so heartless, I will protect the ones I love but it hurt me to hurt Niall as well; I felt so bad.
"Niall!" I yelled while he was walking away. He turned his head to look at me.
"Come here I want to help you." He looked unsure but then he looked like he trusted me. He probably used his power. Walking slowly over to me he was still a few hundred yards so I just ran over to him in vampire speed. "Give me your wrist."

He held out his hand and looked down at it while I put my hand on the burn. I felt so bad so I wanted to cool it. i turned the temperature to 60 degrees which was three times less then the temperature I burned him with.

He smiled a little when I cooled it. To be honest he looked like he had to go to the bathroom really bad before and and now he's letting it out.

When I looked down the burn wasn't there anymore. "I'm sorry for burning you." I smiled at him. He said nothing just smiled back.

I walked over to Harry and dragged him into the house to clean up his bloody nose. Every one else still decided to train, so I guess it was just Harry and I.

Grabbing the first aid kit I dragged him into the bathroom getting a paper towel to dampen to wipe the blood off his face. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked.

"You're so beautiful." he said in a daze. "and I think you're high." I said back. He cracked a smile.

After I cleaned him up I kissed his nose. "You missed." he said smirking while I was walking away. "W-What?" I said turning back to him shocked. "I said you missed." he said still smirking that famous smirk of his.

As soon as he said that I walked over to him with three long strides and crashed my lips to his. I'm not going to be all cliché and say that there was fireworks because it was more than that.

It was more like Jesus started singing and angels flew down from the heavens and Beyoncé was looking me straight in the eye nodding only saying one word, "Fierce."

I pulled back, and asked him, "Are you really going to go back and fight Niall and Ashton?"

"Honestly, my head is throbbing, I don't want to injure myself anymore. And plus, I've known Niall for years, we turned together. He's a stronger vampire even without his powers. And plus the Rogue will be so happy to hear that one of our kind has defeated a wolf." He kissed my forehead.

He controlled his lips and made them warm so when he kissed me I could feel where'd he kissed me last. I was mesmerized by him, until realization came in.

"Wait, what is the Rogue?"

Harry's expression completely changed, "I thought you knew."

My stomach sank to my feet, "Knew what Harry?" I asked him sternly.

"I didn't want to be the one that told you, but Zayn had a dream. A dream, that Skylar and Luke are on a mission to find you. We don't know why. So the Rogue are the original vampires, the vampires that first got the "curse" and spread it around. Vincent used to work close with them, and they will only answer our questions to the strongest member of our group and the newborns."

My heart started racing, they're coming for me. I saw the way they hurt Irais for protecting me, imagine what they'll do to me. I was silent, and everything was just going through me. The memories of the wounds everyone had, the way Irais almost died for me, the painful visual of her leg meat hanging. Then, I started putting the peices togther, why Vincent made us demonstrate our abilities, why he made us fight. Why he put Irais with Ashton, she's a newborn. Why Zayn backed out of the fight. But, why are Niall and Ashton going to fight?

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