Charity' pov human training

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Irais woke me up from the best dream. I was harry's girlfriend and we went to a fair and we went on a Farris wheel then we kissed, cliche I know.

When Irais woke me up I looked to my right and Niall was waking harry up. correction Niall was 'trying' to wake harry up. I noticed he was having a hard time so I decided to help.

I straddled Harry's waist and started jumping. " HARRY! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW MISTER SLEEPY HEAD!" Then I got off him. After I said that Irais and Niall started laughing. "Okay. I'm up, I'm up. You happy?" he said smiling while looking at me.

"What?" I asked. After I said that he picked me up and threw me to the other side of the bed. I screamed and giggled at the same time like a child on Christmas Day. Some people say I'm like a child that's because I never had the childhood I wanted.

My parents were always forgetting my birthday and I basically grew up on my own. So yeah great childhood huh? As soon as I was done thinking about my childhood I started getting dressed. I put on a red tank top with short shorts and a denim jacket and my red vans.

We started making our way to what louis said was the circle. louis sounded like he was the leader of the group. Once we got there we saw louis, Liam and Zayn. Supposedly today was human training for Niall and Irais. louis had rope in his hands which kinda reminded me of Indiana jones.

Soon louis went on about how I had the strongest blood out there and they can survive my blood they can survive anyone's blood. louis also had a knife in his hand which scared me cause I had a feeling the knife was for me.

Irais looked confused as to how the rope was going to train them. "You'll see. Now go stand next to that tree over there. They backed up into a tree that was really wide and really tall, kind of like the ones you see on tv when your watching something about a rainforest. Which I have no idea who would do that, probably someone who is really bored.

As soon as they backed up into the tree Liam and Zayn started tying them down with the rope. " Harry, what are they going to do to them?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry their training them." he said rubbing my back trying to comfort me.

Then louis started walking over to me with the knife. I started backing away from louis but harry stopped me from going any further. "No! what are you doing? please don't hurt me!" I croaked the last part.

"Relax, this is only going to hurt a little bit. Now, give me your wrist." louis said his hand reaching out to grab my wrist. I slowly gave my wrist to him. he slid the sharp knife across my wrist. I couldn't look so I just closed my eyes and turned my head away. It hurt when the medal cut through the flesh on my wrist.

Louis dabbed some on his finger , smelled it, then smiled. louis walked over to Irais and Niall putting blood above their lips and below there nose. They started moving like louis had just set the tree on fire and they were forced to escape themselves.

It looked like the ropes were about to break any second. honestly I have never been scared in my whole life.

They were breathing extremely hard and they were both shaking.

They obviously said something in their minds because Irais nodded. Zayn pulled the ropes tighter. Irais started shedding tears and I felt bad that my blood was causing pain to them. Then Irais took a deep breathe again. "I smell nothing!" Irais said. Suddenly Irais took a huge intake of air. I ran forward and started yelling "LET GO OF THE ROPES! SHES DYING!"

Zayn and Liam were hurting the only person of my past life , the only family I had left, my best friend. "I don't smell anything." Irais struggled to say. Niall was smiling like he just won an award.

"She's telling the truth. I don't smell anything either" Niall said looking at louis. Louis pulled my wrist closer to Niall's and Irais' faces. Louis looked them in the eyes seeing if they were struggling.

"Let go." louis said to Liam and Zayn.

Niall and Irais fell and started gasping for air. Irais started laying on her back and making Niall lay on his back too. they both intertwined their hands and started smiling. they were so cute together. everyone started cheering that they now had their thirst under control.

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