Change me

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Charity's POV

Surprisingly I wasn't afraid of Irais, I was more curious. I wanted to know what it was like to be a vampire, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to change my human mortality yet.

From what I've read in books vampires live forever, so I'm assuming that happens in reality too. Niall and Irais looked in each others eyes like they were having a separate conversation in there head.

"Charity come with me, I need to talk to you." She walked up the stairs and I followed her. "Charity, if she tries to attack you just scream and Niall and I will come." he said holding my arm, so I wouldn't enter yet.

"I will, but I don't think she wants to or will hurt me I will be fine." I said before walking in the room Irais woke up in. I shut the door and say on the soft cushioned bed.

Irais scooted over and looked uncomfortable. I must have had a hurt look on my face because she immediately said "I don't want to hurt you."

" I understand but tell me how you got changed." I said

"Niall changed me and wanted to change you but harry wouldn't let him."

"Why don't I remember this?" I asked curiously. I never remembered Niall running over to me to change me not did I remember harry telling him no.

"Because harry knocked you out." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Ok tell me everything from when you woke up and when you walked in the door."

"Well after I woke up Niall told me to look in the mirror and I had fangs and yellow eyes. They get like that when we are hungry, mad or see food. And we went hunting and we talked about powers and how I can heal people ,use telepathy , and am extremely fast and strong."

" So you can heal people?" I asked.

"Yeah...why? Didn't I just say that?" she asked smiling."yes but can you heal the bite mark Harry gave me? it's been bothering me."

"Sure." she said putting her hand on the mark and closing her eyes. I felt a little tingle. She must be concentrating.

I winced a little but soon could feel it go away. "There now go look in the mirror." I did as she told me to and got up and looked. It was completely gone.

"Thanks now can we go see Niall and Harry?" I asked eagerly. Harry looked relieved to see me and Niall looked happy to see Irais. "Can I talk to you alone?" I asked harry. "Sure." Niall and Irais left to go down stairs.

"When can you change me?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"I'm not ready and I think you should think about this more because once I change you there's no going back"

No going back....

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