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Irais' POV

It was the longest car trip to the airport, but we had finally made it. It was so cramped! All eight of us had to fit, we made Zayn and Liam sit in the back, Charity and Harry were in the front, Louis and Niall each on the sides of me, and Ashton cramped in corner. Literally the entire car trip was silence...I tried to start conversations but they ended awkwardly, Ashton tried as well...but I don't think anyone was happy he was with us.

"What about the car?" Louis spoke breaking the silence.

"We have no choice, were going to leave it here." Zayn said attempting to get out. We were so cramped! We were like clowns and their tiny clown cars. We finally managed to get out with our bags. The only clothes Charity and I had was the ones she packed when she went back home, thank the lord! Charity was smart enough to bring our passports. Harry and Liam left to go find the earliest flight to New York then to Romania. So Louis explained to Charity and I that the legends we hear about Romania and their vampires are actually true, and he has a friend who thinks he can help us with our situation.

Liam and Harry came back with tickets and told us the next flight was in an hour. We went to the full body scanner station, but the line was huge! The security separated all eight of us in different lanes. Unfortunately for me...I was alone in line...I looked around to find someone to talk to telepathically.

'Anyone here?'

'Yeah, I'm here.' Charity's voice popped into my head.

'Yes! Your just the person I wanted to talk to....So how does it feel? I mean your not human anymore. And who knows what your pure heart can do to you as a vampire.'

Charity: 'I do miss my body heat and not having to kill something for food, but I feel I can take on anything, and thats something I've never been able to do before.'

'It's like your invincible....just wait until your leg almost gets shredded to pieces.'

She started laughing, then her voice was gone...


'Are you okay?'

'CHARITY!? What happened?!' I drop my bag and start looking for her, but not losing my spot in line. Her voice popped back.

'Hey, sorry.'

'What happened?'

Charity: 'Nothing Harry just offered to hold my bag while I'm talking to you.'

I took a huge breath,

'You guys are really cute together, your so lucky.'

Charity: 'What about you and Niall? You guys were inseparable.'

'When you got bit, we didn't at all. I really needed someone to talk to, I didn't know if your were going to live... I tried to start conversations but he would just shuts them down..I thought I-'

I paused

'It doesn't matter anymore, I guess he finally realized what kind of person I am.'

There was silence.

Charity: 'Don't say that about yourself! If he doesn't realize what an amazing person you are, he doesn't deserve you.'

'Thanks, but you know this always happens,'

I started thinking about my past relationships, and how they all ended the same...

Charity: 'Your going to find someone who will love you and not ignore you Irais.'

'Thanks, I ho-'

"Miss, please place all metal objects into your container for examination" A womens voice asked me.

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