But what???

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"Let me out!" I screamed. I'm sick and tired of being cooped up in this small room for two days. Niall was the one who gave me food but it was usually moldy bread and there is no way in hell I was going to eat that.

All I drank was the small glass of water he gave me once a day. I'm starting to see my ribs and my stomach hurts from not eating.

I heard footsteps approach the door. It better not be the blonde headed basterd that only gives me moldy bread also known as niall.

My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened. It wasn't Niall it was harry." You can come out now." he said with a look of sympathy and something else that looked like... pain? I walked out the door and found out I was locked in was the guest room.

"Thank you for letting me out." I said my stomach letting out a loud grumble. "You hungry?" he asked with a concerned face."uh yeah a little but I want to see Irais again" I said looking up at him. He was a bit taller than me probably 6'3. I was only up to his chin.

"She went on a ....run with niall." He said pausing before he said run." Let me make you something to eat." He said walking into the kitchen.

The kitchen was big. It had a grey marble countertop in the middle kinda like an island, cabinets all around it and a sink and dishwasher on the far side of the room. "What do you want to eat?" he said looking in the cabinets then looking in the fridge.

"Um, do you have eggs?" I asked. He got out the eggs and pan then turned the stove on. " so when did Irais wake up from her slumber?" I asked putting air qoutes on 'slumber'. "Last night actually he said matter of factly.

"Did she ask about me?" I asked. "...No" he mumbled. "why do I think your lying to me?" I asked with curiosity in my voice. "why do you ask so much questions?" He shot back finishing the eggs and handing them to me.

I decided to just drop it and start eating. he sat there and watched me like I was the most interesting thing in the world. He acts like he hasn't seen a human in a long time.

I probably looked like a wild animal while I ate but at the moment I didn't care I was starving. After I finished my food he put my plate in the sink. I heard the door open. soon I saw Irais, her hair was longer,her chocolate brown eyes more defined, lashes longer and grew taller.

I never thought beauty sleep was real but I guess I was proven wrong . She was gorgous. harry quickly rushed toward me and stood in a protective manner. She looked like she was trying to hold herself back.

But from what?...

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