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Irais' POV

Things aren't the same anymore, everyone is acting different. I haven't seen Harry in days! And no one is letting me see CHARITY!  I know that it takes for her to change...but...if she doesn't change what's going to happen...Nobody is telling me anything!  Not even Niall! He hasn't talked to me in days,  and the other guys are "busy". All I do walk or should I say limp around. My leg healed but there is still a nasty wound.

On the tenth day since Charity got bit, I decided to practice my invisibility,  so I could get my mind off things. I woke up early and headed to the woods alone. It was probably 6 in the morning so I knew no one would hear me. It was kinda nice to be alone, I didn't have to worry about anything. I was practicing for a good couple of hours.  I actually taught myself how to control it! I can even make certain parts of my body invisible. I decided to head back and as I was walking I heard twigs breaking...and they weren't from me. I stopped and smelled the air, nothing.  I start walking again,  and there it was again. I turn my head and see some leaves moving. I ran back to the cabin. I knew I shouldn't have been running because of my leg but I was afraid something would attack.

When I finally got back to the cabin,  I opened the door and no one was there. I was out of breath and my hair was everywhere.

"ANYONE HOME!?!" I shouted.  There was no response,  I looked around and I noticed that Harry's door was wide open...Charity turned...she's alive, well kinda. 

"IRAIS! Your here!" Niall came in and he ran to me with open arms.

"Oh thank the lord you here!" By the way he sounded he was extremely relieved. He squeezed me into a hug.

"I'm so happy to see you! But where's Harry and Charity? " I asked distracted.  Niall let go, his face completely changed. He took a deep breath.

"I don't know..." I knew he was telling the truth by the way he was looking at me.

"We got to find them..." I say while walking out the door. Niall grabbed my shoulder.

"Are you sure? " I mean all the guys are looking, and your going to hurt your leg even more..." Niall asked pretty concerned,  why did he care all of a sudden?

"I'm going to be fine." I brushed his hand off my shoulder.

Charity's POV

I can't believe I did that! ME!  i- I killed a completely innocent person. ..I'm a killer. ..This isn't me! Tears were still coming down my face. I just feel so dirty, like his warm blood was on my hands. I tried scratching but it just felt the same. I got my hands and rubbed them against the tree bark until blood came out. Nothing. Will this feeling ever go away! I cried even harder.

"Charity! Please dont do this to yourself! Come down?" Harry screamed. If it wasn't for Harry that man would've been alive...but then again....I'd be dead....I look down, and Harry was there still waiting for me. No one would ever wait for me or treat me like he does. I didn't want him to see me, but he did. He gave me that insanely hot crooked smile.  I smiled back and wiped my tears.

'Charity. Please don't cry. You couldn't have done just happens...'

I jumped off the tree and Harry hugged me. I noticed that I actually grew a little and my forehead was right where his lips were.  I help but stare at them, he smiled and kissed me. His lips were so soft and delicate,  but then again he kissed me like HE was in control. He started running his large hands through my hair.  I did the same, but he pulled back.

"Charity your perfect! You never need to blame yourself for anything, it was my fault. "

"No I'm sorry! It's not your fault...its no ones"

He wrapped his arms around my waist we continued kissing. Kissing and being with him just made me forget everything in the Dark World I live in. He started to kiss my neck, but we both heard leaves rustling. ..Harry stopped and gently pushed me behind him,  he was ready to attack. The sound was coming closer, my heart started racing...Irais came out with leaves in her hair. I let out a huge breath,  I thought  it was the wolves.

"Charity!!! You're Alive!" She screamed so happily. She was about to hug me, but I gave her "the look" which meant "Irais you interrupted a good moment". She understood.

"Yeah!  So you guys are good!  im just goona go..." She says while walking awkwardly back, she gave me the "good job charity" look, but she tripped. I tried to be nice but I couldn't help but laugh, Harry was laughing too! When she recovered from her fall her entire face was red.

"I'm going away now..." She took the walk of shame back to the cabin.

"Actually we were about to head back." Harry said holding my hand. Aww I guess out make out session is over. I could tell Irais was still embarrassed...she didn't say a word.

Irais' POV

We found everybody else, and were back at the cabin. I was afraid of asking Charity anything so I didn't and plus it looked like she was happy when she was with Harry.

I was so excited to show Niall my new invisibility skill, but he told me to show him later cause he "busy"....What is with him? One minute he's all loving and the next he's distant.

I decided to change my bandage for my leg. I was outside alone...and I heard leaves rustling again, the same way they did in the morning. I ran inside and told everyone something or someone is following us. They all ran outside, it was pitch black so even with our vampire vision we couldn't see very well. Harry was extremely protective over Charity, so I had nothing to worry about. Liam and Zayn were in front of everyone.  Louis kept complaining saying it was just my imagination or something. Everybody was agreeing with him, and as they were about to head back, something came out. I could tell it was big,  but I couldn't see anything. I slowly walk towards a place where the moonlight shined best hoping it would follow, it did. Everyone else was following   my lead. The thing  walked into the light..

It was a wolf...this wolf had bites and scratches all over it's body, by the way it stood it was in pain. Everyone was ready to fight.

"What do you want? " Louis spat at the wolf. Harry stood in front of Charity, what would a wolf want with Charity if she's a vampire? The wolf just stood there, it didn't respond.  The wolf turned its head and looked at me...oh my god....Ashton?...When his beautiful hazel eyes looked at me, I knew it was him.

"Ashton?" I asked out loud. Everybody's eyes widened.

"What do you want? " Zayn grabbed his head and pulled it towards his face, Ashton cried out in pain.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" I screamed.  Niall looked at me with a confused expression.

"Why? He tried to kill you remember?!?" He asked angrily. Ashton changed into a human, his entire body was scratched really deep and his side was cut open, he lost and is losing a lot of blood. He was breathing really hard.

"Luke...f-found out...I-I tried to he-help out I-Irais...He attacked a-and told me never c-come back...Ashton said having trouble speaking.

"BULLSHIT! YOU NEVER HELPED IRAIS!" Niall screamed at him. Ashton looked at me, seeing him in pain and everybody wanted to kill him made me feel guilty inside...

"He did! When Skylar attacked my leg

, he attacked her so I could run off."

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Louis asked.

"It wasn't important until now..."

There was silence...Niall looked away so disappointed.

"How do we know this isn't some act to get Charity?" Harry asked.

"Have Niall talk to him,  and we'll now if he's lying or not." Charity spoke up. Sometimes I forget Niall is like a walking lie detector...

Niall walked up to Ashton, and he squinted his eyes. They were having a conversation telepathically. He looked back at us.

"He's telling the truth..."

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