Watch out?

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Charity's pov

Today Irais sent me to go to the grocery store. As I was walking down stairs I asked "What do you guys want?" I walked to the fridge and opened it. Wow we really do need to go to the store.

" Can you go buy cookies for me?" Harry said,  walking in then automatically leaves.

"Sure" I said. I wasn't sure if he heard me or not, but oh well. No one else was home, so I decided to just go get cookies and some other things.

I was still in my clothes ive been wearing forever. So I decided to go up stairs and find Harry. I had no clothes.


"Yeah, I'm in here" He said. I walked into the room where I heard his voice from.

"So what do you need?" He asked with some sarcasm.

"This is goona sound really girly, but I need clothes?..." I asked hoping to get a good response.

"haha! No problem." He said while smiling. I never noticed his adorable dimples. He got up and got me one of his T shirts, and he grabbed Nialls sweatpants (since their smaller). I tried on the clothes, and his shirt was really big on me.

"Haha! You look cute!" He said which kind of caught me off guard.

"Did you just call me cute?" I say with a smile.

"Yeah, cause you are." Harry says getting closer. Man, he's attractive.

"I should probably go to the store." I say completely not realizing it. What is wrong with me! I just ruined the moment.

I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and put my long brown hair into a messy bun.

I walked downstairs , grabbed my phone and went outside. I don't wanna live in the woods anymore. I took a really long walk until I found the alley where they attacked Irais and I.

And when I finally find a store. Which took me awhile to find."okay, let's get this over with." I said grabbing a cart and walking inside the store.

I grabbed milk, eggs, butter, pasta noodles and sauce, then headed to the bakery and grabbed some cookies.

All of a sudden a guy with a lip piercing and blonde hair, blue eyes showed up beside a girl with extremely blonde hair.

She glared at me with her pretty blue eyes. I envied her she was beautiful and I was just average. She made me wish I was dressed better because she made me insecure just by standing next to her.

"Could you move?" he said in a rude voice. "oh, I'm so sorry" I said quickly moving out the way.

"You better watch it Page, or next time you'll regret it." he said walking away.

How does he know my last name?

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