Irais' POV

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I inhaled a gigantic breath, and started breathing hard. I put my hand on my heart it was racing, what's wrong with me? I stood and looked around when this guy was just sitting in the corner watching me..all of a sudden, I felt different... Stronger...

"Where am I?" I exclaimed. This guy with blonde hair stood up and walked towards me. I stepped back, losing my balance, he caught me. I looked at him, he had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. He smiled. He was really cute.

"Hi, I'm Niall." He said with a grin.

"I'm Irais. Where am I? Wow what happened." pointing to my neck.

"Wait! where's CHARITY!" I screamed.

"She's fine, I promise." It looked like he meant it, so I felt a little better when a sharp pain hit me.


"Yeah that's going to go away in a little bit...So that's how you pronounce your name 'Iris' " he said.

"Yeah the 'a' throws everybody off. Its kind of like Irish but without the 'h'.... wait! How do you know how to spell my name?" I asked,

"I went through your wallet..." he said quietly holding it. I reached for it, but he quickly moved, and I fell.

"haha! Sorry, here I'll explain what happened, but first you should probably use the bathroom." he said,which concerned me, how bad do I look? eek!

I looked in the mirror ...Oh my god....What happened to me! My eyes are yellow, my teeth looked like fangs, I - I grew? Am I a ...

There was a knock on the door.

"C'mom Irais, I'm hungry, and I'm sure your starving." Niall said outside the door.

He led me outside, it looked familiar. Then he was gone.

"What the heck Niall!?!" I exclaimed. Then I heard

"C'mon RUN! You'll find me!" don't run. So I start at a slow pace. Then Niall screamed.

"Faster! You'll See!!" I pushed myself, and I knew I was going fast, faster than ever before. But everything was in slow motion. I loved it. I ran faster until I saw Niall. He smiled, then he ran faster.

I saw a deer, I don't know why but I was excited! When we were closer. Niall's eyes turned into icy blue, rather than his ocean blue eyes. His fangs came out. He bit the deer and broke its neck. All I heard was the snap. The old me would've been terrified, but now I loved every second. And at that moment I knew what I was. A Vampire.

I bit the deer with my fangs and sucked the deer's neck like a man would if he didn't have water for days. It was amazing

When we finished the deer. Niall explained what happened. When Charity and I were going through the alley, Niall couldn't help myself to our blood...that's when I turned...He tried biting Charity but Harry, who was also his friend and a vampire. Stopped him from biting her. Harry knocked her she wouldn't remember anything.

Niall also explained that vampires have "powers" based on our personality. So all vampires have four in common Running, Strength, Healing, and Telepathy. But we have two more that we have to discover ourselves. His was being able to speak all the languages in the world, which he thought was useless, but its going to come in handy one day. Also he's able to tell when other people are lying....great, now I can't lie....Also he told me that he's been in these woods for more than 100 years! He's 120 years old. Him and Harry live here cause Niall can't control himself around humans ...well that's obvious, cause I'm here...

He led me back to the house, when I saw Charity...I could only smell her blood...I felt my fangs come out, and I sprinted to her. When Harry jumped in front of her to block her. I almost bit him, but Niall pulled me back and said.

"Calm down, think of other food..." I thought. The fangs were gone.

"Irais what happened to you!?" Charity asked, but very frightened.

"Charity, dont come close..." I said breathing heavily trying to control myself. Now I understand Niall...this is hard...

"Are you a ..."

"Vampire? Yes." I say cutting her off

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