Manners in our own hands

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Irais' POV

Later that night, Ashton got to pick the room he wanted like Vincent said he could. Ashton picked the biggest room in the house and practically demanded we (Harry, Charity, and I ) needed to talk. Vincent didn't get out of the room Niall was in.

I'm one to over think quite often, so my mind is everywhere. I'm trying my hardest not to go back in Niall's room and demand answers from Vincent, I start puzzling things together. But Ashton touched my shoulder, "Calm down."

His touch was so reassuring. I let out a huge breath. He doesn't say anything he just looks into my eyes. He had those eyes. The eyes that when they look at you they look deep in your soul; not just your physical appearance. I nodded and said "thank you," he then lowered his gaze at my lips and I did the same. Both of us to terrified to make a move.

He breaks the gaze and reaches for my hand, "Come on. Let's go see my new room." He leads me upstairs and I'm already in awe. Just the walk to his new room is glorious, there was contemporary white and black walls. Then the door knob was a rustic gold covered with a very sheer tint of black. He twists open the door and he was so excited, "Finally, I won't have anymore cold nights. Sleeping next to those cold blooded creatu-" he cut himself off when he sees me. I sighed, I would so try to get with him but I'm a vampire. We're supposed to be enemies not a couple.
"It's okay. It's what I am. Just say it," I say with a fake smile.

"I'm not saying that out loud. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything," He comes up to me and gives me a hug. He wraps his arms around me and I rest my head against his chest. I can feel his body heat and it was so nice to hear his heart beat, he's alive.
"You're not like them, you know." He whispers in my ear.

"Yes, I am. I'm an evil bloodsucking corpse that's defys the circle of life. I am a killer. I have no heartbeat let alone heat in my body. I can't eat food like before. For me to remain "alive" is to kill another life, I have no purpose in this new life. I just wander and kill what comes along." I said angrily, I broke out of the hug and walked to the other side of the room. After I had said that, a weight was lifted off, god knows how long I've kept that in.

"Irais. You are so wrong. You're not like them. You're heart may not beat but it's certainty working," I gave him a confused look, "Never in all my vampire encounters have I met someone who scientifically is considered dead be so full of life." I couldn't believe him, he was most likely saying that to make me feel better and to cover what he almost said earlier. He walked over towards me and held my hand.

"You're just saying that, no need to lie." I said, I pulled my hand back, but he grabbed it quickly and pulled me in his chest. "I would never lie to you." I looked up at him,

"How could something so deadly be so beautiful?" He said as he then kissed my forehead. I rested my head on his chest.

"I wonder the same about you." He wraps his arms around my waist and I pulled him until we were face to face. His eyes were warm, they were earthy, they're alive. The beautiful honey brown fading into the royal green with hints of gold. I'm safe with him. He leans in,

KNOCK. KNOCK. I got scared and we both stepped away from each other. Charity opens the door, "Liam said you got the biggest room in the house. But-oh I'm sorry you were in the middle of something."

Ashton put his hand around his neck. "We were just talking." I felt my cheeks blush. Charity looks at me and she knows we weren't just "talking". She says okay and closes the door. I walked over to the bed and just fall. My face smooshed into a pillow. Ashton starts laughing maniacally. I lay there embarrassed, he then lays next to me and he says, "Maybe we can try that again later." I turn around.

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