I won't hurt you

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Charity POV

I woke up from the deepest sleep hoping to find Harry right next to me...but unfortunately he wasn't there. I turn my body and I see Irais in her glamorous state, with hair in her face and drool coming out of her mouth. Seeing her like this reminds me of when we were in school...before any of this craziness happened, she looked really comfortable so I didn't want to bother her. I got up very slowly and I noticed that our bags are here. Why would Irais and I be sharing a room if she can kill me? I needed to wash my face, I reached for my bag and I fell "Goddamn my clumsiness!" I screamed, I noticed that I accidentally cut my self. Irais woke up. She smiled for some reason, Irais' eyes were so puffy it was kind of funny.

"So I take it you slept well." I say so she knows I'm here.

"Yeah, I probably look disgusting right now." She says laughing. We both started laughing, then she stopped. She started breathing heavily and fangs came out. I've seen her like this before, but I was scared this time because there's nobody to make sure she doesn't kill me! She closes her eyes and bolts out the door. I immediately follow after her to make sure she's okay. I stop because I hear a conversation.

"It looks like someone's up." Harry said. I know eavesdropping is rude, but I couldn't help myself.

"What happened?! Your fangs are out!" Niall said very concerned.

"What!" Harry exclaimed

"Is Charity...?"

"She's fine, calm down. I just need to get out of here!" Irais said still breathing heavily.

"I'm going to check if she's okay." Harry said....I heard him coming. I ran back to the room almost falling again. I jump on the bed and pretend to be asleep. I hear Harry walk in and he sat down next to me. 'Yes he actually bought it!' I thought to myself. He chuckled.

"You know I saw the entire thing..."

I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked while putting his arm on my shoulder. I sat up.

"Yeah I'm fine. Is she? I asked knowing he probably didn't have the answer. I sometimes forget she's not the same person anymore, and I have to get used to the "new" her. What will happen if I never get used to her new self.

"C'mon let's go get breakfast." Harry said.

I follow him and I see the same guy who opened the door, who I never did get his name...

"Hey Louis, where did Irais and Niall go?" He asked,

"She was emotional and she ran off, but it's okay Niall ran after her." He replies, I never realized how cute he was. My god! These vampires are all extremely attractive.

"So I'm guessing your Charity." He said to me.

"Yeah that's me.." I said shyly.

"No need to be shy Charity, nothing or no one is going to hurt you." He said firmly.

"So where's Liam and Zayn?" Harry asked Louis breaking the awkwardness.

"They went to go put fresh meat on the opposite side of the forest, so they don't find Charity. Why?" Louis asked in reply.

"Just wondering..." He said nervously while looking away. Why are Harry and Niall so nervous Liam and Zayn.

                     Irais' POV

I'm never going to live with myself if I hurt Charity! I just need to go... I start running, and running, and running! I dont want to be in touch with anyone right now... As I was running into forest the deeper and deeper I went the more and more it looked alive... I wish i was alive....

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