First Encounter

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A/n: so first chapter would be based on a podcast of Desire from the Sandman Dream cast audio They created. This is how you and Desire met.


You woke up in the dream world and smile walking around but aimed to walk towards the castle you enjoyed your time there Morpheus always lets you look around there but while you enjoyed the dream you still felt like there was something missing.

You reached the castle smiling brightly and waving at Lucienne "Hello, anything you recommend today?" the librarian smiles handing you book about B/N. You grin and place it in your bag "is the Sandman here I wanted to say hello" you stated but the librarian shakes her head "he isn't at the moment, but you can Wait for him inside" she motions for you to go inside.

On very rare occasions Desire would visit dream and this was one of those occasions. They was told by their big brother to wait there until he came back so they did. They were sitting idly on one remaining broken pillar although you told Morpheus to keep that one there for you to sit. So, now it was taken. Walking inside your eyes widen seeing someone that felt just as powerful as Dream.

They looked up suddenly, Their eyes gold and piercing, Their complexion was flawless and admiring. They wore a perfectly tailored black suit that revealed just enough to have you blush lightly when seeing them. When they spoke your heart seemed to beat faster.

"Why hello there. Surprised to see me" you blush more when they stood up and walk towards you slowly, like lion a stalking their prey. For some odd reason you couldn't bring yourself to move.

"You shouldn't be." You knew they said not to be surprised, but you were. "I can feel that you're still searching for something." They spoke in a gentle yet mysterious tone. You questioned how they knew exactly what you felt. They spoke once more.

"Even here in my big brother's realm." You look away for a moment. "I suppose I should introduce myself; I am Desire it is what I am, it is what I do." The way Desire spoke with such an authority it was moving and you couldn't understand why. What they spoke next made your eyes widen ever so slightly.

"I make You want, it's me that you feel in the longing, In lust." You took a breath you didn't realize you was holding listening to them. "You are drawn to those objects of your desire, Like a butterfly to a candles flame." As they said this, they made a motion with their hands as they elaborate. Your eyes following their movements closely.

Their sudden chuckle made your stomach do flips as you listened "But You already knew all of that, didn't you?" You broke eye contact briefly knowing they was right. "So, tell me then. What is it you want? Don't be shy" You feel a familiar warmth on your cheeks no doubt a slight pink there. Desire was walking around you eyeing you closely. "Or Perhaps I should try to guess?" They shrug lightly being playful almost, giving you a dashing smile.

"You want something sensual" they exclaimed "Or maybe something precious, or maybe someone Special?" They said while sliding their hands down their chest as if making sure you understood them. Chuckling suddenly, something you found yourself enjoy at this point. "Or maybe you want all three? Yes, I think that might just be the case."

They lean close to you doing a passive hand gesture suddenly "You know, My Big Brother thinks the endless are servants to you mortals." He soon walks behind you

"But I know what you really are" You turn your head up to meet their gaze properly. "You're a creature of desire, my creature" they laughed once more sending a shiver down your spin once more feeling them place their hand on your shoulder moving down your arm until they was holding your hand while the other rested on your waist proving a point as they spoke. "And you twist and bend as I require it."

They let go of you moving to stand right in front of you smiling down at you now taking note of your slightly flushed face and a strong sense of feeling. "Whenever you wake, my Big Brother will take his leave of you."

When Desire spoke this you felt your chest ache slightly looking away for a moment knowing this was in fact true. But oddly that wasn't the reason you was downcast.

"But I won't." your eyes met theirs and a hopeful smile crossed your features when they said this. "what do you mean?" you asked softly.

"I'm always with you, Right there in your heart." With that they stood right in front of you. Your eyes filled with adoration while looking up at them watching them place a delicate finger on your chest and once they do you wake up looking at your alarm clock and slowly sat up looking up and smiling lightly placing your own hand on your chest.


A/n: well i hope that was to your satisfaction my dear followers and as always your votes and comments and requests are very appreciated 💞😊

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