My Cat Is An Endless

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A/n: Warning - Nsfw, 

Req 1: We know when desire wears the meow meow outfit they have a tail but what if they have a tail regardless of what outfit they wear like just imagine how adorable it would be, like if they're jealous you could tell bc they have their tail wrapped around your waist or leg or when you're laying with them in bed they wrap their tail around your ankle. Desire with a tail is just an adorable thought, ooh imagine when desire is feeling in a more spicy mood they use their tail to slightly rub in between your legs!

Req 2: OK, so maybe a Cat!Desire headcanon? Because, we saw Dream as a cat, but we all know Desire totally also has a cat form, right? Right...? I'm the only one who is in love with the meow-meow outfit. :p

Like, Comments are very appreciated ^^


It was a stormy night and you were going home after your shift at work. you spotted a black Siamese Cat walking in the dry area of some store covers it walked oddly as if it owned the where ever they walked it was cute. you noticed that they had no collar and they looked very healthy. You always wanted to have a cat but the ones at the shops and ones in the shelter just didn't do it for you but this one was perfect.

Your longing was strong enough that the black cat stops and turned its head to look up at you their eyes were gold and piercing and you were mesmerized by how they looked. you kneeled down covering them and yourself from some of the rain. "would you like to come home with me little guy?" the black Siamese stared at you for a long moment as if contemplating if they should.

you didn't know what you were in for the moment they lept into your coat and you both rushed home. Desire was walking around the streets in the form of a cat since no one will pay mind to this form however when they felt such a strong urge from someone behind them, they had to look at the one feeling this desire.

they recalled seeing you before and knew what you longed for and seeing that they bumped into you once more made them more curious. so they decided to "play" along.

Desire knew more about you than they thought they would with how you always vent to them about everything and told them about your good days and your bad days, held them close when you were sad or cried, and play with their hair when you were happy and wanted to make your cat happy. it was something that drew desire close they literally were the key to your happiness. Oh if only you knew your Cat was an Endless.

the days you worked Desire was in their normal form walking around in their "meow meow" outfit and walking around humming low they ate some fruits and sat by the window they would throw the cat food out the window for some stray to eat and sometimes they left to take care of things since they were an Endless after all. But they always made it back in time. "hmm sometimes I wish you were human...." you said pouting cutely looking at the cat who was gazing at you as if they were amused. "hey don't look at me like that, it's just a silly wish" you giggle "I bet if you were you would want me to play with your hair a lot haha" you giggle and went to bed laying down.

the next day you woke up to someone playing with your hair and you jolt up seeing a very beautiful and handsome person laying beside you, their eyes were gold and they too had black cat ears and a black tail. "why hello there~" they spoke their voice sultry and smooth voice. your heart beats faster and your face is red. "w-what who are you how did you get in here and why are you wearing that outfit on my bed" you said moving back and falling off your bed. their chuckle sent shivers down your spine even though you were shocked by this whole situation. they roll until they were looking at you upside down "You wanted me here, that is what you desired" they noticed your confused face and grin "I am Desire of the Endless....I am the Cat you picked off the streets I am the one that makes you want things" as they spoke it was like certain things clicked and your face turned redder "i-i was talking to an immortal being this whole time" you squeaked. they simply giggle "I do enjoy your little venting sessions and head pats if that is what you're worried about" they spoke watching you come closer "will you still stay," you asked looking down at them while they looked up at you "if that is what you want yes" you lean down and kiss them suddenly.

Ever since that time, you learned more about Desire or rather whatever they felt like sharing. and you played with their hair being correct that they liked it when you play with it. you noticed even though your endless lover was in "human" form they still behaved like a cat. when you pet their tail on rare occasions they would purr low before becoming silent like they just got caught.

another time was while you were watching tv your favorite actor came on and you giggle "isn't he dreamy" you said watching them act perfectly and you suddenly felt their tail wrap around your waist even though they were silent. you giggled noticing they were jealous "you know just because he is dreamy doesn't mean they are better than you Desire. Besides my lover is literally perfect in every way"

they blush faintly and pulled you into a soft and gentle kiss and you hum lightly. when you both cuddle you felt their tail wrap around your ankle and you would hold them close laying your head on their chest. "i love you" they chuckle "I love me too" you pout cutely and nip their chest hard and they hiss softly their tail drifting from your ankle and moving up and between your legs rubbing you slowly with their tail.

"D-desire," you said blushing and they made you look at them "I will show you how much I love you y/n" with that, they kissed you deeply moving to be above you now leaning down and nipping your earlobe between their teeth and you grunt softly sliding your hands up and through their hair. tugging lightly. their hand slips past the waistband of your pants, making the skin burn where their hands touched.

they teased you with light strokes now smirking suddenly "my you are excited~" they said alluringly and kissed you deeply once more dominating the kiss immediately slipping their tongue past your lips. they enjoyed the moans and mewls you were doing. " i can take you right now~" they would say and you look up at them panting lightly "P-please i'll be good Desire" "oh i know you will love"

They shift so you were now straddling them leaning forward and taking one of your nipples into their mouth and you gasped holding them close and moving to grind against their obvious bulge. "can i ride you" you said Desire nows "go ahead who am i to stop what you long for the most." you blush deeply and watched them move to align themself with your entrance.

You made eye contact with them as you lifted yourself over them, gripped the base of their shaft, and slowly lowered yourself onto them. You threw your head back with a moan when you took all of them inside of you, relishing the stretch and warmth. Desire being who they are purrs in delight at how tight you were.

You waited a moment longer to adjust to their size before you lifted yourself up and dropped down again. You developed a steady rhythm soon enough, starting to go faster now that you had found the perfect angle, Desire held your waist tight their nails were surely going to leave a mark. you were a moaning mess and Desire was enjoying every bit of it their own desires now engulfing you both

you bit your lip so hard you nearly bled when they began to roll their hips up to meet yours. You cursed, moving faster and going down harder now, and Desire thrust up into you at the same pace, making every thrust more intense. It was good-- so good.

Suddenly their hand moved up to your neck gripping your throat, one hand moved to their wrist the other still resting on their chest you moan when they squeezed your neck suddenly. you whimpered, Your every breath was labored, and it only made the sensations in your body feel stronger. they tightened their grip on your neck further, thrust once, twice, three times into you harder until they felt you reach your orgasm. they pounded you through your orgasm and didn't slow down once you were finished. they released your neck, and you gasped for a breath. before leaning down and kissing Desire deeply feeling their tail wrap around your leg still thrusting into you.

They would break away from it to bite your shoulder as their rhythm became faulty and their thrusts drove impossibly deeper inside of your tight heat. You whispered little encouragements to them and tugged on their hair. they groaned and came, and you rolled your hips down onto them gently so that they could ride it out.

"I love you too y/n, just don't test me~," they said and you were holding them close laying beside them feeling their tail rest on your leg thigh. "hmm maybe I will if this is what you do my perfect Kitten"

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