Desire Punishing Reader

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Req: Hello again! I'm the Anon who sent a request about Desire punishing the Reader, and of course, you don't have to write it or anything! No problem at all, don't worry! But I want to let you know that I'd be very happy if it wasn't NSFW, actually ^^

Like, Comments are very appreciated ^^


Oh, you must have done something to tick them off if they are punishing you.sometimes it was because you said that caused them to react in such a way. or maybe it was because you did something they didn't approve were sitting down looking up at Desire while they were pacing around.

"How could you do something so stupid y/n telling my big brother my plans "out of excitement" can ruin my plans "I thought you were joking" you would try and defend yourself knowing it will not work they were already mad.

"I wasn't what made you think that" "You said you were going to steal something from his realm knowing full well it really is impossible to do-" you stopped talking when they looked at you once more anger in their eyes. "Y/n I had to cancel so many plans or ideas because you keep telling Dream or saying it out of sheer ignorance or whatever it is that compels you to share anything with them..."

another thought cross their mind "are you.... only with me to see my plans and tell big brother? do you really think it was wise to do something that can cause your death?" they asked you heart beats faster and you look down scared. that was never your intention you loved Desire and truly loved them you just have this habit of talking too much. "Go, just go leave me alone" you left and didn't come back. 

but what was your punishment? you couldn't see Desire for long periods of time, the silent treatment, you would feel them but just as quick as you felt them was as quickly they left. And for some odd reason, you lacked the desire to do anything, not enough that made you depressed but enough that you knew this was your punishment. You wanted to prove to Desire that you loved them and wouldn't do it again. you never fell asleep. You did jogs around the park, read books you knew would keep you interested, and played games on your phone. 

but it was taking a toll because you were more tired and not alert. you were walking down the street and ready to cross but it wasn't for you to cross a car was about to hit you but in a moment a quick call of your name and a sharp pull made you stumble into the person's chest saved you just now and your heart beats rapidly with fear. 

you look up and see it was Desire and you hug them tightly "what were you thinking-" "IM SORRY" you cried suddenly clinging to them "i- i- thought if I can stay up without sleeping I could keep your plans s-safe and y-you could s-see I love you" you rambled and cried Want to end a punishment quickly? Desire had a soft spot only for You when you cry."Stop....stop crying I'm sorry okay I know you love me I can feel it every time I am with you. please rest love.." 

Desire picked you up but held you close to their chest making you quietly sniffle until you cried yourself to sleep.but Desire smiles when they saw a smile on your face clinging to them as you slept. "What am I going to do with you my little doll," they said softly as they disappeared with you into their realm.

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