My Personal Hero

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When Desire first met y/n they believed they could be used to get under Dreams skin after all who wouldn't be annoyed with how innocently ignorant y/n was. He was tall and toned nicely and had a heart of gold. They used to watch him climb up a tree to save a cat for a little girl. However, he ended up fall off the tree when the branch broke, and he landed on the ground with a thud. They weren't very smart and oblivious to most things told to them even mistaking an insult to be a compliment smiling. Desire watching from a distance does a small sigh of annoyance that this man was in fact what they call him. 

But they saw he was more than that y/n was a kind person and just slow on certain things literally. The day desire decided to confront Y/n it was a shock to them that you was clueless to half the things Desire was talking about and you laugh when they gave you a confused look "you look adorable confused Desire" they stated while walking alongside them. When Desire stopped walking to look at the back of Y/n head amused Y/n thought they stopped because their feet was hurting and that was not the reason. Desire blushes faintly doing a small grunt when Y/n picked them up "sorry I should have noticed you was tired of walking." Y/n stated giving them a handsome smile and Desire could help but want Y/n for himself. 

his original reason for failing because Desire ended up wanting this himbo for themselves only. When Desire finally told them what They were and how they have their own realm and such even speaking slowly on certain things and stops when their lover perks up happily "so you like a super hero but only for certain things right like those comics I read" y/n stated holding up a comic book. 

Desire couldn't help but laugh in unbelief. This certainly was amusing and the fact that they fell in love with a himbo was more amusing to them because it made them question a lot of things. But they all were answered with something positive they saw in Y/n so in the end they protected Y/n from anyone trying to say something rude by simply making them feel the urge to do something they will regret. 

Desire shakes their head and holds Y/n hand "I'll protect you then" they both stop and Desire was suddenly picked up with y/n arms wrapped around their waist spinning them around Desire and placing their hand on Y/n broad shoulders. "So, you're my personal Hero then?" Desire looked down at them amused and does a huff "I guess I am" they said leaning down and kissing Y/n on his lips who responded happily.


There you have it, it was a pleasure. Please send me any request you Desire~

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