Two Times You Saw Them, One Time They Saw You

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You were always happy to see Desire anytime you can. Sometimes you surprise them. visiting when they would least suspect it with the help of despair sometimes and once in their realm you walk up the stairs into their heart gallery hearing noises and you wonder what that muffled voice was.

as you came closer you stop seeing Desire upside down on their chair singing with their head slightly dangling. your heart speeds up because you love to hear people sing and seeing your lover can just make you want them more and it was because of that want that made them realize you were there and they turn over and stare at you.

"....." they said absolutely nothing just stared at you. you blush deeply and looked away from their gaze "u-um hello love w-want to go somewhere" you said shyly only to see them in front of you now towering over you smiling "why not Y/n" they take your hand you blush following them "say nothing" "got it" you chimed in just as quick.

The next time you visit it was in the waking world where you was walking in the park and spot Desire, however they was staring at a dog who seemed to taken an interest in them. When they didn't leave Desire does what sounded like a hiss which caused the dog to run off.

You tried not to laugh when they noticed you there and huffs suddenly mumbling low something along the lines of your timing. "I won't mention it kitten haha" you kissed them softly and laid your head on their shoulder after sitting down.

Desire was bored deciding to visit you in the waking world it was there that they appear in your home and walked towards your bedroom figuring you was asleep of something.

Once entering the bedroom you walked out the bathroom still soaking wet still with a towel around their waist. Desire stares intensely at you and you looked over "oh, hello darling" you said smiling to hide to likely blush slowly forming. They walk closer to you and smile kissing you softly on the lips before gently pushing you back in the bathroom "you may need another shower after im done with you"

"I-i see" you said softly before you was muffled by desire kissing you once more.

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