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She knows when Desires was jealous. They will not openly admit it but oh boy did she know they was. y/n was sitting in the park in New Jersey there was a man that flirted with you each chance they got at first it was annoying but soon you knew it was a good idea to use him to get to Desire.

"Hmm Desire" y/n thought to herself reading her book. They left her, and she hadn't heard from them for a long time. But once she accepted partially the man's flirtatious endeavors, she felt their eyes on her in every corner she turned, in any building she entered, in every room in her home she felt them. But she purposely paid no mind to them. She yearned to see Desire again, but she wanted to teach them a lesson. Although, who was y/n to pull a stunt like that knowing full well who Desire is?

She didn't care. She wanted them to stay with her or at the very least let her know they had to leave. So, she used this opportunity to get to them and see how long it will take for Desire to get her. The next day like many other days the same man came and walked towards y/n waving. She gave him a polite smile but soon she felt a firm yet delicate hand grace her shoulder. Y/n blush lightly feeling all those emotions locked away burst open. Y/n missed Desire and from her understanding, seemed to miss her as well. Or they was jealous. She smiles at the thought and looks up in time to see Desire looking at the man daring him to come closer but having a deadly smile on their perfect face.

Y/n would often question why an endless would take interest in someone like her, and for some reason she didn't want to know. But there was moments where Desire tell her how she was the only mortal to make them happy. And she believed them. She watched the man walk away quickly and Y/n huffs looking away playing the ignoring you card. Desire simple places their hand under y/n chin making her look and them once more. "I know you missed me" they said smiling lightly.

"I'll admit it, only if you admit you was jealous" y/n stated pouting a bit but trying to ignore the fact that she missed Desires touch so much. They looked amused really but decided they could say it "maybe I was-" they was cut off when Y/n simply silenced them with a kiss. They pulled away and laughs lightly "I can stay here for a bit longer if it means you can do that often" y/n smirk as she always wanted to say this "if that is what you desire then I don't mind" she giggles seeing their expression before standing up and following her through the park.

"you know you could have just visited my realm." They proceeded to say once passing by other couples and such seeing how ignorant people where with their surroundings never knowing who is truly watching them. Y/n nods "I know but I just wanted to spend time with you here because I can show all the pretty things" she said only to follow their line of sight and seeing a man digging in the trash "okay not that exactly but this" she points towards a small garden in the middle of the park with a gazebo decorated with various vines with flowers it was indeed a beautiful sight to see. "your right this is beautiful~

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