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A/n: Desire seems distracted by the new servant (you)


It was another dinner for all the Siblings to attend everyone was simply talking about whatever they had been doing or whatever comes to mind. Of course, Desire is the way they are saying and pointing out flaws that their siblings wanted to avoid but knew they had a point. Dream glares at Desire while Death laughs amused by their banter. Desire was always the "problem child" but they will point out flaws in others whether you like it or not.

Despair looked over when she recognized a new servant, and she does a sad smile toward y/n who smiles lightly back however dream stopped talking when Death and Despair notice Desire making eye contact with the new servant. Y/n noticed Desire of the Endless was looking in your direction you smile at them to which they return the favor. But you quickly broke it to make sure each sibling was served and giving Desire their food last to which all the endless eyes were on you.

Face flushed you blush lightly and moved to go back towards the kitchen quickly the other servants smiling.

"You seemed a little distracted little brother" Death teased lightly smiling when Desire paused from his eating to look at death before humming low "it seemed like a welcoming distraction" the last part he seemed to purr smiling at Death. Dream scoffs looking away "unbelievable, you really can't help yourself" Desire simply winks at Dream before continuing to eat.

Some time passed before the servants came back to collect the empty plates coming back moments later with a tray of tea and some sweets to go with it. But this time they all migrated towards the recreational area now. Desire was talking leaning leisurely against the archway while talking with Despair and the others. When y/n passed them to give Despair her tea Desire looked right at you again humming low once more.

You rushed off once more blushing deeply getting a good glance at how perfect that outfit looked on them. You can clearly see they were not wearing a shirt underneath that suit jacket not that you minded since you can see their toned stomach of course you had to rush off. "I think you make her nervous" Dream stated before Death shakes her head "no it's something else besides its amusing to see Desire focused on something else other than making trouble"

Desire simply ignore their older sibling and decided to visit you.

The servants were all smiling at you as you explain how Desire made you nervous but in a good way and not a bad one. "I don't know I just I want to say hello properly but they are so perfect and I don't know if I can do it" the servant nodded but soon looked behind you some blushing others trying to keep their composure.

You was wondering why they were looking behind you and when you turn around you felt your heart thump rapidly against your chest. "w-when did you get here? H-how long have you been standing there" you said rambling on. Desire simply chuckles and tilts their head to the side "long enough to know how much you talk when your nervous" they walk closer to you now until you was backed against the wall and looking up at them. "what is your name little Munchkin" they said teasingly to which you blush and managed to say your name. "Y/n I like it," they said softly before leaning in close. "I seem to have gotten distracted a few times today and I realized I need to deal with it"

Your nervous meter was skyrocketing at this point which leads you to look away blushing more until they leaned closer. Their scent was like summer peaches and that scent plus their closeness led you to pass out from all this. They caught you quickly and picked you up. "another time then" they stated before walking out of the servant's quarters. They walked towards the guest bedroom where they had to pass the recreational room. Death laughed and Dream was unamused. Despair was wondering if Desire killed Y/n.

"Y/n just needs some rest is all" they grin before they walked away towards the guest chambers placing you on a bed and gently moving a strand of hair out of your face before kissing your cheek "until next time Y/n"


Hope you like it ^^

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