I'll Fix Your Broken Heart

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A/n: This one would be Male Desire x Fem Reader 


you had a secret. a really special one to you. That secret message was knowing the immortal being known as Desire of the Endless. and you cared a lot about them since they had actually been with you for the majority of your young adult life and that was something they and you treasured.

During that time you had a crush that had been with you for a while as well, not as long as Desire but knew them as well. But you both were so close and always were together but after going to the park one day with him you spoke softly "I.... I have something to tell you" you said softly blushing lightly. he looked at you and smiled "shoot" he said

"w-well I like you very much Stephen for a long time and I wanted to ask-" Stephen stops you suddenly "Y/n I like you too, but as a friend not like that. I have a girlfriend already I'm sorry if the way I was with you gave you the impression I loved you" He said looking at you

you gave a brave smile but your heart ached and you nod laughing it off "o-oh I'm sorry I'm glad your happy Stephen you deserve it." why didn't he tell you that he had a lover now, how come he treated her that close just to tell her the news he was taken.

that picnic was awkward and once you both left you told Stephen you had to get something. it was a lie but once alone you started to hold your chest and cried looking down and soon enough mumbled "D-Desire...I-I need you please" you said through tears.

Somewhere in another realm Desire felt a strong longing and it felt familiar but he could also hear Despair speaking from the chair "She needs you Desire," she would say looking down somberly feeling Y/n's pain "I know, we will continue at a later time, my dear twin."

Desire was there not a moment later walking over to you and looking at you "what happened y/n who did this to you" Desire demanded to know, your mistake was telling him. But for now, he took you to his Threshold where he would sit you on the chair and he sat beside you

They listened to you pour your heart out and played with your hair all while planning and planning to get Stephen back. For now, he oddly wanted to see you smile again.

Desire sings to you softly recalling you telling him you enjoyed their singing to which they would sing to you and it worked because you smiled sniffed a bit and laid your head on their chest.

Soon after Desire finished singing he would stand up and take you with them going to all the places you desired to see and trying different things and such enjoying it all and holding Desire's hand the whole time smiling brightly.

One day at your home Desire told you the truth "You know i was slightly disappointed that you were going out with Stephen....but i came to realize to late that i had feelings for you my sweet"

You blush looking up at them suddenly "w-what, w-why would you like me im mortal" he shakes his head "that doesn't matter to me mortal or not i have feelings for you and i still do"

You didn't let them finish because you wrap your arms around them and kissed them deeply having one leg bent back and smiling during the kiss. Desire wrapped his arms around you responding to the kiss well.

As they pulled apart Desire leaned his head against yours "Let me be the one to fix your Broken Heart" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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