Sneaking Off

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A/n: Hello here with another chapter where The reader sneaks off to see Desire when they get an opportunity.


It was just another day taking care of the mortals who come to escape reality and dream of things to help them relax and enjoy things. It was nice to help them you enjoyed seeing some smile and felt bad for the ones that had nightmares, but it had to happen that way it is the cycle of this realm, but you always made sure they are in good hands.

you meet with Morpheus smiling and bowing respectfully to him "your majesty everything is working correctly and as you requested, I let some visit the library too." He nods looking down at you. "Very good y/n, please check in with Cain and Able to see If they are doing their part as well" you nod walking away and rushing to where Cain and Able were but before reaching there you stop looking up thinking about one person. They gave you only permission to do this. Because when you blink once and open your eyes again you were no longer in your original spot but in a familiar setting walking over to the main room.

"Mmm, what a lovely surprise to see you, y/n, " Desires says smiling at you watching you come closer and go into their welcoming embrace as they lean close kissing the top of your head gently. "Hmm escaping your duties yet again, Morpheus might find out you know~" they chuckle when you shrug cutely looking up at him. "I'm sneaking away for a good cause~"

Desire smiles at you "you consider me a good cause, I'm flattered" they play with your hair and moved them both towards a different area of their realm. Your face flushed when you saw the very luxurious queen-sized bed of course the theme was red as well, but it was like you were in a royal area. "I-" "as much as I love to do that myself, I know you want Something more comforting" you blushed since you just wanted to be near Desire to hold them close.

you held onto Desire your face pressed gently against their neck closing your eyes as you let them play with your hair slowly while the other hand rest on your waist. It wasn't long before you fell asleep. Their presence, their scent it all ended with you dreaming but your desires were there too, and they simply smile at the thought of being part of your dreams and your desires.

they look up hearing the request to come in from his big brother. "Come in," they said ready to see what Morpheus would do and speak. When he found them in that position, he looked surprised but then almost a hint of amusement in them something Desire didn't think their older sibling would do. "Of all the places to sneak off to y/n ends up with you" Desires does a charming smile "can you blame y/n for coming here after all that is what they wanted~," they said in a sensual voice laying their head on top of Y/n's sleeping form which resulted in them nuzzling more into them sighing softly.

"Will you punish y/n for sneaking off?" Desire looked at Morpheus, their smile now mysterious then playful. Morpheus shakes his head "No Y/n does everything properly maybe I can give a break sometimes to let y/n see you." He stated before turning away and walking about. "Goodbye, big brother~," Desire said once they felt he was gone they look down at Y/n "you weren't as good of a sneak as you thought but at least you have what you most desired." They chuckle looking watching you rest and sound a satisfied smile on your face. 

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