I'm Always With You

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A/n: Slight NSFW

req: Desire x Reader, where the Reader is secretly dating Desire? As, they sneak in when the Reader's family is away *cough*, is playfully leaving marks/gifts that almost let their presence known, etc... I love your writing!


Being the personification of Beauty was something that you adored because you can do everything in your power to make sure everything was beautiful this can sometimes include giving mortals the small push needed.

However you had a secret....

You walked through your realm having everything one could ask for regarding Beauty and even perfection. Giving mortals the abstract to their next idea or even romance to draw their significant other near.

Entering your chambers you smiled at the Red Rose on your bed however attached to it was a small glass heart glowing red inside a pendant to attach to the necklace you received last time.

You smile and giggle softly picking up the rose and kissing it lightly hoping your lover can feel your longing for them. Did you forget to mention your secret? After completing the necklace and heart you sigh softly. "Desire...It is I y/n, I stand before you in my chamber holding your sigil speak to me love" You closed your eyes feeling the heart pendant thump to the rhythm of your heart and soon you heard their voice. "I see you found my gift" you giggle lightly. "I have.... I miss you my love"

Desire purrs softly "and i you, but i promise i will come soon" they would say sensually. They kept their promise because as you walked through your private garden in your realm you felt their arms wrap around your waist "why hello there~" You smile leaning your head back on their shoulder "i missed you Desire" you gave them a cute pout.

"Its not like we can see each other openly your family doesn't exactly like me. "Yes but when they are away you can visit here they like to visit your older brother and sister time to time so it gives me freedom here and i get to be in charge of certain things." Desire nods pulling you close and kissing you deeply. You responded with equal need. They pull away and kiss your neck in all the right place making you moan low.

"Desire i-i need you please its been too long," you said and who was Desire to neglect your desires? Discarding your clothes, Desire admires your frame. "Mmm, you certainly live up to your personification my love" you blush looking away shyly. "Now. Don't be shy our fun is just beginning"

They kissed your lips, down to your neck, and moved lower and lower kissing and nipping you until you were marked nicely. Once reaching their desired area they look up at you. You were a moaning mess gripping Desire's hair as your body shivered from pleasure. "D-don't stop, please. I'm c-close" you said between moans. Desire humming in response just made you moan loudly and released blushing darkly.

You watch Desire stare at you while licking their lips in satisfaction. It never failed how they aim to give you what you wanted before their own. You pulled them down and kissed them passionately tasting yourself on their lips. You giggle as you boop your nose with theirs. You both shared a shower together and they braid your hair smiling.

As you both got dressed and stood in the middle of the room sharing another kiss you hear and rather felt your parents was near. You pout suddenly looking down "they are coming love" Desire caresses your cheek before smiling "I'm always with you my love" Desire leaves just in time but not without leaving another Rose where they once stood.

You turn around to smile at your parents and hug them. Although it remains a secret you were proud to have Desire in your life. As you walked towards your personal Garden you sat down at the white bench noticing a small music box at the other end you smile brightly and took it kissing the top of it and mumbling softly.

"I'll see you soon"


A/n: vote and comment is appreciated  ❤️ 

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