An Endless Soulmate

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Dream didn't think it was possible after everything that has happened. He even called his older sister Death. When she came and met him at the same park she saw him watching and feeding some pigeons. "This feels like a similar scene" Morpheus looked up smiling lightly "i suppose it does, but different circumstances," he said watching her sit beside him.

"What happened?" She asked. Morpheus almost pouts "you know how even us being endless has a soulmate" Death chuckles lightly "Seriously little brother you called me because you found your soulmate, what? Do you need me to introduce you two" she smirks

Morpheus sports a light blush "no i can handle it, if it was my soulmate" Death raised a brow "oh? Then who's Soulmate did you find?" Morpheus sighs before looking at his sister "Desire's" he stated annoyed.

Death chuckles lightly "and thats a problem? Even our youngest sibling has a soulmate" she stated standing up and follow Dream when he started to walk. "I have to tell them but...after what they did i don't want to see them again at the moment."

"And you think that is fair after all they are still family, and look at it as maybe their soulmate can help them behave" she mentioned while grabbing an apple from the stand thanking the worker. Morpheus rolled his eyes "oh make them act up more"

 Death and Morpheus stood in front of a community center "well Y/n helps people with cancer and such but on their off time" he turned to walk towards the back with Death.

Y/n was playing sipping a coffee while drawing the empty swings in nice detail. "I don't understand.." Morpheus said "how can someone this helpful and kind have someone like Desire as a soulmate" Death listened while watching Y/n look up from their landscape seeing one eye was gold and gave off Desire vibes.

"Just tell them, beside you never know if this could help but we can't change what we are or who is our soulmate. Now be the bigger person and tell our younger sibling" Death said patting her brothers shoulder.

 Desire was amused Morpheus wanted to see them, for the reasons it caught them off guard "Do i sweet dream, and why tell me?" Morpheus sighs "because you need to know" with that he turned and walked away.

Y/n looked down at the complete drawing and smiles at how it came out. You thought about who was your soulmate wondering if you would ever find someone with golden eyes. Sighing you stood up making your way towards the center when you bumped right into someone "o-oh sorry i-....its You" you said shocked blushing lightly. 

Desire smiles down at you "mmm yes it is me y/n, and we have a lot of catching up to do" you smiled up at them seeing they was just like you and you couldn't be more excited to spend time with them. 

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