My Perfect Munchkin

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Req 1: Hello, I have seen the "taller than desire" request, and I raise you: Desires S/O being shorter (I'm talking 5'2"). how much do you wanna bet they would LOVE the dominating feeling of it all? Not only does desire hold all the power, but now they hold the height as well

Req 2: Mason is 5'9?!! Oh dear -, Mhm, if you haven't written this already, can you write something about Desire with a short Reader insecure about their height? Because I'm like - 5'3 - and so heartbroken about this T_T

Like, Comments are very appreciated ^^


Desire would make it their business to make sure you are comfortable with the way you are. This would include your height. You sometimes feel inferior to everyone that was taller than you.

they noticed you shying away or avoiding talking to anyone taller then you and Desire didn't like it one bit. one day Desire would pull you to their lap suddenly wrapping their arms around you "stop letting your height get to you my love you are perfect in any shape or form their was no mistake when you was created and i love to think you was created just for me"

you blush and hug them tightly kissing their cheek softly "I-i love you I'm sorry I will not let it get to me again" you said softly watching them smile and kiss you softly on the lips before asking you what you wanted.

Desire would still tease you about your height but in ways that you would laugh at most of the time blush. Like now you were having difficulty grabbing something from the top cabinet. Desire appeared out of nowhere and reached up to grab it and would not pass it to you until you gave them a kiss their red lipstick staining your own lips and you smile when they handed it over.

"thank you, Kitten," you said giggling and they hum leaning against the counter "of course my little munchkin" you blush and continued to cook hearing them laugh softly. "i suppose cat got your tongue" they would said and you flip them off blushing still

"oh love to tell me when I am longing to ravish you," they said pulling you close to them suddenly kissing your neck then up to your jawline then lips once more. "you make me very happy Desire" "mm i know~"

of course, Desire will use its height to dominate you in more ways than one. and not just in Bed but when you "act out". when you do they would walk up to you not caring if anyone was watching you and literally pick you up and put you over their shoulder or would hold you bridal style.

You would squirm in protest but stop when then look at you. You immediately behaved yourself. They use their height to prevent you from going anywhere by pinning you. You didn't mind that.

There were time they would take something from you and keep it higher them you so you would have to jump to get it. It resulted in you climbing or clinging onto Desire which they enjoyed To say the least Desire loved your height because they can tease you for their personal amusement but also because they can protect what is theirs and be proud that you cling to them.

Desire x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now