Meow Meow

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req: could we please have reader asked to caress disere's tail while he is dressed as a cat 😻😸 , strong instinct that desire is sensitive in that part of the body and has a high level of tension hahaha


It was a normal day for you and Desire they decided to visit you in the waking world you both relaxed on your couch that you extended so you both can stretch out while you had some random show on.

Desire and you were actually talking to each other ignoring the show you were above them kissing them softly on the lips and they chuckle when you said how much you loved them and play with their hair "I know I keep saying it but meeting you has been the best thing for me"

Desire smiled up at you their golden eyes piercing your soul possibly and you knew and felt they were checking if you truly mean what you say. you suppose they got their answer because they hum and pull you down to kiss you once more.

You were even more ecstatic when they visited you in their meow meow outfit. "wait I got us some strawberries dipped in chocolate it tastes really good." you said rushing off to get it. of course, you peeked in time to see Desire look towards the tv and roll over leisurely like a cat would look at the tv their black tail swaying side to side.

you giggle and grab the cute little box and came back laying beside them and kissing their cheek they look at you amused raising a brow "say ah" you said cutely they smirk suddenly "hmm I recall you say that a lot" your face turned red "n-not like that I'm trying to feed you"

Desire chuckles "I know I'm only teasing" they open their mouth allowing you to feed them and they looked away for a moment covering their mouth before humming "it does taste good"

after a while, you built up the courage to ask them "Desire" "hmm?" you blush lightly "can I touch your tail" they were glad they were not looking at you because they stared into space for a moment. "....." you smirk all the times they like to tease might as well ignore them now.

You gently pet their tail and they immediately tense and look at you blushing lightly you giggle and continued to pet their tail soon enough you blush as well when a small purr left their lips "Don't-" Desire said quickly and you smile brightly "aw you are so cute" you lean forward a bit noticing them arching their back lightly as you play with their tail. "your so cute" you said before laying beside them only for them to roll you both so they were on top.

"hmm you won't speak of this to no one" they gave you a cute pout and your smile "of course you will be my personal Meow Meow" they blush lightly and leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips before pulling away

"if that is what you desire so be it~"

Desire x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now