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A/n: Desire is more tolerable as long as you are with them


As things were slowly coming back to order in the dream realm there was a mortal, who oddly always looks forward to dreaming or maybe it was for another reason, one that Morpheus loathes admitting to himself. Even Lucienne mentioned it once or twice. But eventually, Morpheus told his trusted librarian that the reason This mortal mainly comes here is to see his sibling Desire he never understood what they saw in them.

He watches as the mortal looks up and in a swift moment, he doesn't see them anymore with a soft sigh he walked beside his trusted servant and friend listening to her speak about everything that is going on so far.

~Desires Realm~

You walked through the familiar halls of Desires realm. You could feel your heart thumping to the same rhythm you oddly hear around you. Of course, you felt that familiar presence beside you and you didn't have to turn your head to know who you were beside. Your face flushed at the thought of them beside you once more. You could feel your heart pick up the pace.

You knew without a doubt they knew what you were feeling because of the Cheshire cat grin they were doing now. It shouldn't surprise you, but it always does. A cunning chuckle slips past his lips the sound sends a shiver down your spine as you walked towards the main room where all the sigils were lined up in a fancy mirror-like frame. You walked over to them admiring each one for a moment before noticing the Endless through one with an actual mirror laying on the red chair looking at your tail swaying side to side leisurely.

Turning around staring at them as they looked at you expectantly, you smile and walked over sitting beside them. Slightly tensed because it was always something that made you nervous and excited to be near an Endless let alone Desire. They look up at you "you can relax you know; this isn't our first encounter" they said their voice naturally sensual. You smile and lean down giving them a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"Yes, well you still make me nervous" you stated glaring playfully at them. They snake their hand around your waist pulling you closer and their voice came out like a slight purr "you shouldn't be nervous around me darling I don't bite unless that is what you want" he teases watching you shift and look up at him. "I know you're up to no good Desire I noticed how stressed Dream looked" you scolded his smile never faltered "was I that obvious, I didn't do anything too drastic....This time" they chuckle when they saw your pout. "You promised you would at least behave for me" you complained, and they simply laughed. You both knew that would not happen but at least you knew it wasn't as crazy as their previous actions.

When you found out about the stunt they pulled you were worried for Desire and what Morpheus would do to them. You were relieved when you saw them laying upside-down legs up against the chair once more. Your heart fluttered seeing they were okay, and Morpheus spared them. Rushing over and holding them close, they were surprised but they held you to playing with your hair lightly to calm you down.

You looked up at them seeing they finally calmed down from their laughter "I do as I please y/n, but I won't do anything too drastic for now is that fair?" they stated leaning down and kissing you on the lips to silence you. It worked wonders because you simply hum softly and placed your hand on their cheek gently.

Morpheus sighs "well these little disputes that have happened recently were fixed quickly and it wasn't as problematic as before. Ever since y/n visited Desire or rather got together with them, they have been behaving better at the very least they are more Tolerable." The librarian chuckles lightly and nods "of course sir."

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